Tho I must admit that I would never get that close to the surface with my bare hands while doing this.
Ok Now you have a bucket of piranhas. ?
Classic Wednesday move.
How quickly would they die of the chlorine?
Would still empty the pool pretty quickly if they do die rapidly
Piranhas have dozens of uses. Food, bait, aesthetics/decor, pranks, weapons of surprise, scissors, evil lairs…
Pranks !? 💀☠️
Rare mad tv reference?
Surprise scissors are my favorite kind of scissors
Then you will love the German fairy tales collection of Struwwelpeter especially the thumb-sucker Konrad.
Here is an English translation of the whole book, although parts of the original humor got lost:
- That dude running with scissors has remarkable dexterity and aim to be able to quickly target thumbs, specifically. Its impressive.
- Did children not wonder why they never met anyone who was missing a thumb? Or was there some sort of bizarre plague in Germany at that time that caused many people to be missing thumbs?
- That dude running with scissors has remarkable dexterity and aim to be able to quickly target thumbs, specifically. Its impressive.
It’s even more impressive as this seems to be his side-job or even hobby.
This man is a professional tailor, but in his leisure time he storms like a SWAT team into family homes and his holy mission is to eradicate thumb-sucking everywhere.
In my opinion the huge scissor means, that there are not only little thumb-suckers out there, but also proportional bigger ones and the tailor wants to be prepared for every one of them equally.
So he aquired a special kind of skills in his career, handling the huge scissor.
- Did children not wonder why they never met anyone who was missing a thumb? Or was there some sort of bizarre plague in Germany at that time that caused many people to be missing thumbs?
Would you ask questions as a kid if your parents are ok with invasion of privacy and involuntary amputation by some stranger and framing it normal?
Maybe I’d be afraid of the implication, but I’m pretty sure I’d be skeptical if all of my peers and everyone older than me all had 2 thumbs
Then it’s the implication AND peer-pressure to have two thumbs. It’s so diabolical perfect.
Forbidden scissors
lets expand pranks a bit
Bucket of piranhas perched above a door.
Put a piranha in the apple bobbing barrel for a “hardcore” mode.
April fools (self explanatory).
This is just scratching the surface
- Fresh piranha about 2/3 down & under the duvet – an unusual surprise for your partner.
- Piranha in the coffee mug - a classic.
- Replace a coworker’s mouse with a live piranha (timing is important – don’t want the poor thing to suffocate, have a bowl of water handy).
The possibilities are endless.
Put piranha in toilet, profit
mom I need an adult
It’s a great threat
also it’s food
Step 1: Collect a bucket of piranhas
Step 2: ?
Step 3: Profit
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Solid reference
Good source of nutrition 🤤
Not just a bucket of piranha but a bucket full of piranha and margarita mix. You just add water and ice.
Piranhas are one of those things I thought I’d need to worry about when I was young.ike quick sand and properly identifying if something is good or fool’s gold.
Don’t forget how to put yourself out if you spontaneously combust, and acid rain.
acid rain was legit, then the world’s governments actually did something about it and it became not a thing. Much like the hole in the o-zone (at least until Elon’s vanity satellites start failing at a high enough rate to decimate the o-zone) and how we could mitigate climate change if there was political will
Acid rain is real. So is quicksand. Either of them being common and severe hazards experienced across the entire US (and maybe elsewhere, I don’t know what the rest of you were taught in gradeschool), not really.
Real acid rain causes mass ecological damage through relatively subtle increases in acidity over several exposures. The way we learned about it in school, whether they meant to or not, came across like concentrated hydrochloric acid was going to rain from the skies and melt human flesh on contact.
The solution to acid rain actually made climate change worse. Well, not directly, just that it turns out that the sulphurs in the atmosphere that caused acid rain were also cooling the planet. With that gone, heat went up quite significantly, and research is being done now to see if we can put that back again much higher and in a more controlled way to regulate temperatures down a bit. We could add additions to airplane fuel, for example, that will disperse it throughout the atmosphere
To your last sentence wouldn’t that get in the way of contrail production though?
Not sure, it’s something that’s being looked into
Also black holes or the Bermuda triangle.
All the cool kids are still thinking about black holes. Not worrying about them, but
I too played too much Tomb Raider
Mine was wilderness survival, which I think would still be a thing if cell phones weren’t as advanced as they are with GPS navigation, emergency dialing and location.
I know it still happens and is still a very needed skill specially for those who live out in low populated areas, but I genuinely thought that being lost or stranded in the woods was a super common thing. Like needing to start a fire, finding water and hunting to catch food was definitely an experience I would one day have to go through even though I grew up in a large city and didn’t have a reason to go off the grid often aside from occasional shore fishing.
Ok, so why would anyone want to catch a piranha? Are they tasty or something?
Fish are food, not friends
No Bruce, for the last time
They look like they are 90% gristle and hatred.
The Ann Coulter of fishes.
Wikipedia claims they’re quite popular.
Reading more, everything I see describes them as bony, salty and very fishy tasting, best served smoked or grilled to mask the flavor.
Sounds like we’re not missing much.
Protein is protein and if this is where someone needs to get it, then this is what it will be
Except they’re using protein to catch the protein.
Think I would rather eat 20lbs of piranhas than 5lbs of rotting leg bone
You can get protein from lettuce and apples lol
No you can’t lol
Yes, you can. Lettuce has around 2 gramm per 100. Apples 0.3
As comparison beef has 26.
So while lettuce has much less, saying you can’t get proteins from it is just plain wrong.
There are different kinds of proteins build from different amino acids, 9 of 20 amino acids are essential, meaning our bodies can not produce them, so we need to eat them. Meat contains all the amino acids we need in our bodies in the amount we need in our bodies. For vegetables that’s not necessarily the case.
Because of that vegetable protein needs to be very varied and balanced to be a complete diet, and just lettuce and apples is not enough.
In a first world country we can get these vegetable proteins varied and year round with little to no problem, which makes vegan diet a sustainable and morally superior diet.
In the developing world people are generally happy about being able to have a complete diet, moral questions take a backseat to survival and health, so carnivorous or piscivorous diets are far more common.
Pretty sure everyone else understood the meaning behind the sentence ‘you can get protein from lettuce and apples’. You need a certain amount of daily protein intake for a healthy diet and the comment implied you can get those from lettuce and apples. It is technically kinda true if you take it literally, but eating 5kg of lettuce is not practical.
Both lettuce and apples are incomplete sources of protein and could not sustain a healthy diet.
Fish is a complete source of protein.
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That’s a novel way to spell lentils
Sounds like why I dislike most fish to begin with.
It’s that fishy taste that does it to me
Just cant pretend to like it at all
That’s interesting, I really like the fishy taste. If it’s overpowering it can be unpleasant, but in reasonably amounts it’s tasty.
Do you also lick buttholes?
In reasonable amounts, yes
Bruh I lick buttholes all the time and I don’t like the taste of fish. If her butthole is at all reminiscent of fish it’s probably errant B.V, and don’t get me wrong I’ve been in the trenches before but it’s not supposed to smell like that.
Whitefish (why do you call Felchen like that?!) or Salmon fishy?
Because felching is something…else… over here.
Sounds right up my alley I love fishy tasting fish. Every time I go to sushi I always get the mackerel
They taste like fish. I’m not joking.
You must be joking.
At least one source who couldn’t comment publicly stated they weren’t joking
Surely you’re not serious
So much so that they’re illegal to fish in parts of the Amazon because they’ve been nearly fished out of existence
The one that I tasted was the red piranha, the same as in the video. The taste is… okay, not delectable but not awful; it’s simply a bit too strong. It goes great on soups/stews though.
They’re almost certainly starved. Piranha’s don’t normally swarm like this
But that’s what the cartoons showed.
Shit I forgot about the cartoon… how do I delete my erroneous comment
Piranhas* don’t normally
A grammar Nazi in 2024? I’m surprised. Yep, autocorrect added an apostrophe, good catch. I’m not changing it.
I can’t tell from the video if the water is just muddy or if it’s actually, y’know, gross. Is it safe to eat the fish from that river?
Also, I’d always heard they didn’t do that unless they were starving. Which makes me think not much is surviving in that water, making me think it might not be safe to eat the fish :/
Though, I imagine if you’re desperate for protein, such things are secondary concerns at best
Brazilian here. Perfectly safe (color-wise; of course it can be polluted as hell despite its color, just like any other river).
Our ground/mud has a different color. Some areas on the south even have a red soil (very fertile, but makes everything about ground level look dirty very quickly):
There’s great variety of water colors even in the same area, just search for images “meeting of the waters Manaus”:
For a satellite view
Just jumping in to say that red soils are not very fertile. They are nutrient-poor in the necessary macro-nutrients (nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus) and have a very poor ability to retain water. They are very rocky - little organic matter content - which limits both water retention and cationic exchange capacity (affecting N+ and K+ bioavailability), and tend to be acidic.
Cultivation is possible, but it requires large amounts of fertilizers and soil conditioning agents (liming to raise pH and add calcium, addition of organic matter). In effect, recreating an artificial soil that is closer in nutrient availability to the black soils present in the world’s most fertile regions (which today are also heavily fertilized).
I wrote red soil, but more specifically, where I lived there was Terra Roxa (purple soil?), which seems to be a kind of red soil according to the English Wikipedia page:
And it is the prevalent soil on the north of the state of Paraná, regarded as Brazil’s agricultural barn:á_(state)
So it does confuse me that the state’s soil would be unfertile, as I grew up learning how good it was and surrounded by prosperous farms.
The Portuguese Wikipedia page does talk about it being fertile (no English translation):
So maybe it isn’t a type of red soil in the end; or there are some types of red soil that are (very) fertile.
terra roxa is a type of latossolo in english latosol
Water can be like this when it rains a day or a couple hours before. Every river become like this when it rains. It is perfectly fine to eat fish from this river.
the issue today is thinking that mud is the definition of dirt, that river is probably 100 times cleaner than any tank/pond/lake used to farm fish, also i swan in pont that were way muddier, with piranhas too, sometimes
Wait until you find out how they catch catfish
Don’t they usually set up a sting and invite them out on a “date” where they’re then confronted about their lies and posted to Youtube?
Then Chris Hanson steps out of the shadows.
Then, a bunch of reaction videos and clips of said video are posted after the livestreamer is done reacting , not adding anything to the video to rake in views and ad revenue
xQc has entered the chat
How do they catch catfish?
Two main methods, the first is with a fishing pile like normal. The second is to get down into the water and feel up under the bank. If you wiggle your fingers a catfish will latch on, and you can just pull it out by hooking your fingers into the gills.
You reach into holes in river/lake beds hoping one tries to eat your hand
Can confirm what the others said
Here’s a short video of people doing it
Lo, I never had any that big
What about barefoot! Those Brazilians are crazy lol
As long as you’re not bleeding or anything, you could safely jump in the water and swim with them!
you could safely jump in the water and swim with them!
But I can’t swim
you could safely jump in the water
and swimwith them!But after that…
Well, they find out if they’re a witch or not.
Just don’t bleed while drowning so you don’t die.
Lifeguards hate this one trick
we have jaguar here too, they bite harder enough to have alligator in their diet :D, not that entering a lake would save you, they are great swimmers too
Idk man
I don’t think I’d want to risk being shredded alive the moment I scrape my toe on a rock
Piranhas aren’t even the scariest thing in there
If you read the article, they’re not so scary at all. Nothing but myth and legend.
There it is, the fish we joke swims up your dick.
One zip tie could prevent that
Dickfish hate this one simple trick!
Men hate this one simple trick as well.
i can confirm my father and their brothers swam, probably every day, in a pond with piranhas, and i don’t think they care to much to verify if they had injures
Maybe because their piranhas are well fed? Try starving them then jump in.
how they don’t bite each other in the middle of that caos
They probably do
So you end up with chowder pretty much.
There’s a few videos online of piranhas absolutely stripping animal carcases. Shits gnarly.
Damn, and I thought I was smart for making stock from bones