Touka approves this rank!
Sorry. I couldn’t resist. (The intro of this anime is such a banger that I still remember the MC’s obsession with leggings and tights.)
The catarrhine who invented a perpetual motion machine, by dreaming at night and devouring its own dreams through the day.
Touka approves this rank!
Sorry. I couldn’t resist. (The intro of this anime is such a banger that I still remember the MC’s obsession with leggings and tights.)
The meaning kind of clicked to me the first time I’ve seen the word and tried to pronounce it - it ended as [ẽ.'ʒĩ 'ʃis], the first part is close enough to English [ˈɛnd͡ʒɪn] ⟨engine⟩ that the association was obvious. ([ʃis] is just the Portuguese name for ⟨X⟩.)
I know that URL.
People like Musk rarely take into account the overall impact of this sort of tariff in the international chain.
I’ll give you an example. I live in Latin America. My processor is AMD, so made in USA with Taiwanese semiconductors.
But let’s pretend that I were to upgrade my processor today. AMD gets 25% tariffs over Taiwanese semiconductors, but it won’t “eat” the tariff, it simply relays it to the customers. So I’d pay more for the processor.
Would I? Fuck no. I’ve run a potato computer for years, might as well do it in the future. If some Taiwanese, Chinese or European alternative pops up, less unreasonably priced, I’d be willing to buy it. Taiwan still profits, so does the local market, but instead of a chunk of my money going to USA, it would go to one of those three.
Except that I’m not the only one. Others would do the same as me. Slow but sure and cumulatively, international trade swaps the middlemen in USA with middlemen elsewhere.
AMD is getting less sales, thus less profits. Investors hate it. Why bother investing in USA? They’ll invest in a booming tariff-free alternative. Vulture capital flies away in a flock, once the carcass is gone.
And it is not just CPUs; it’s also GPUs and everything else electronics. And it is not just AMD, but Intel and every other business relying on Taiwanese microchips.
With less money entering USA, the local customer market is slightly poorer. Now there’s less pressure to attend that market. In those situations, is it worth for AMD to keep itself in USA? Rename itself to “IMD”, set up base in Ireland, boom, done.
Musk is sinking the economy of his own banana republic maize dictatorship. And it’s getting amusing to see.
[And in case anyone is wondering why I’m saying “Musk” instead of “Trump”, it’s because I genuinely believe that the later is there because the former wants it, not the opposite. Trump is that sort of tiny useful idiot, easy to control, just call him “who’s a good boy? strong man? Yes, you are, Trump! Good boy! Strong man!” and he’ll bark in the desired direction.]
Their brains were already this sort of sludge. They never gave a bloody fuck about people, their shtick was always profits. But they were willing to pink-wash, black-wash, rainbow-wash their junk, as it was good advertisement.
Now that they feel like they have the back of some banana republic maize republic they’re going all out.
If we (people in general) do it, we’re being filthy thieves and the reason why everything is bad. But when it’s a megacorpo, it’s suddenly a-OK?
Screw this shit. Information should be like the air, free for everyone. Not free for the GAFAM chaste and paid for us untouchables.
As I mentioned in another thread, I don’t think that he’ll be able to attract chip makers to USA. Instead I think that he’ll kick every industry relying on those chips out of USA.
All those “explanations” babbling about Musk’s “intentions”… aaah, when will they cut off the crap???
Like. Let’s pretend for a moment that Musk was totally trying to convey “my heart goes out to you” or crap like that. It doesn’t bloody matter - regardless of his “intentions”, the gesture conveys support to Nazism, and it’s the only sensible way to interpret it within that context.
It’s the pot calling the kettle black.
I mentioned IPOs as an example of things making a company take a 180°, from “we luuuv customers!” to “customers are things to be milked, not humans to care about”. There are a thousand other possibilities - being bought by another (and more abusive) corporation, being inherited by arseholes and/or fools, or even a change in the mindset of its current owners.
There’s absolutely nothing preventing all those shitty outcomes. Nothing. And when one of them happens, the suckers who “buy” games through the platform - including myself, and probably you - will be shown a middle finger, and hear a moronic “ackshyually u didn’t buy the games lol you licensed them lmao”.
You can’t trust it.
Remember when Google’s motto was “don’t be evil”? Remember when Facebook was innovative? Remember when [insert any post-IPO platform] was privately owned?
Look at the past and future, not just the present. Corporations eventually go sour, and fight against the very users that they were supposed to serve. Give Steam/Valve enough power and it’ll do the same. We don’t need corporations serving us software; we need open systems.
That said Valve is situationally useful here because it’s eroding Microsoft’s power.
I hope that SteamOS finds more of its way into desktop computers. Sure, I don’t trust Valve; just like I don’t trust any other corporation. But it’s like fighting a big cancer with a smaller meta-cancer, if they hurt Windows/Microsoft I’m happy.
Plus its current relationship with GNU/Linux is symbiotic.
Piracy is morally justified when 1 is a more pressing matter than 2. As such, it’s justified in situations like this:
I ended picking Miru (from another comment) up to watch anime, so I won’t automatise the system - I’ll use the RSS just to warn me when there are new episodes. That said, this extension (to allow transmission to download from rss) plus this site (to sift the RSS feed, so you don’t download e.g. individual episodes alongside batches) could help.
I liked it. I really liked it.
It got a .deb version, not just appimage. Installed without issues.
The interface is clean, and I could easily find series that I enjoy, both on- and off-season. (Tested with DanMachi V and Hikaru no Go). For neither it felt like I was watching it from torrents, there was no stuttering at all.
I use MAL instead of AL, but importing the list was easy enough. It’s less one thing to do, great - now I don’t need to update the anime list manually!
Going to test this later, thank you!
I just tested this now. This is brilliant, thank you for the idea! I wasn’t even aware that the torrent site could generate RSS for search queries!
For now I’m simply following those RSS feeds through liferea, but later on I might even automate it further.
Like others I’ve seen been torrenting my episodes instead, but man… I miss the convenience.
Don’t get me wrong - torrents are great, but for me they’re the best when I want to binge watch a complete series and/or keep it indefinitely. I’m typically following ~10 series/season = episodes/week; I need to find the series in a certain torrent site, then download it, watch it, seed it… it’s a bit of a bother, you know.
Correctly highlight when a programmer is being assumptive as a brick, even when assumptions are one of the biggest sins in programming. Done, you’ve triggered a lot of programmers.