Continental Europe perhaps - but if you ask British people if they could give you a handy thats… thats… not about mobile phones.
Continental Europe perhaps - but if you ask British people if they could give you a handy thats… thats… not about mobile phones.
Show a man some bugs and he will be miserable for one day.
Teach a man how to code bad and he will be miserable for his whole life.
I’ve been used to the bow tie for a long time.
Don’t confuse if and of!
Uhm… no.
Google: kill child process
FBI: ಠ_ಠ
Google: kill child process linux console
I became a fan after I got used to nice color schemes, buffers/tabs, horizontal/vertical splitting, file browsing with NERDTree and highlighting changes with GITGutter.
You ask for tips? Add VIM commands you use regularly (like paste mode toggle for example) to a keyboard shortcut (like leader key + p) in your .vimrc settings file. It increases working speed.
Also add some plugins, they are fun and add useful functions from other editors like Sublime (ctrl-p, vim-multiple-cursors).
Yeah yeah, brag about being able to close VI the first time of use…
A power bottom?
And that’s the taxi driver’s debt collection agency the next day:
Old glass is not liquid at room temperature over long time. That’s a myth.
Hey, we can tolerate a table flip here an there, but you are talking about
That’s the reason why Elon wants to fly to Mars, to get a working Johnny cab instead of his crap cab. Now it makes all sense.
I think it’s the wurst. SCNR