Staying up till 3am playing Terraria w/ friends
Staying up till 3am playing Terraria w/ friends
The Second Dream quest from Warframe
Oceania is the best continent
I’m out of the loop why the downvotes
Yeah wild turkeys don’t fuck around. They will ruin your week if they feel like it
I wish I was in a position where this was the thing causing me the most distress
I think the word you’re actually looking for is “Republican Party”
I was gonna make a joke about how it’s not gonna come out until 2077 but I couldn’t make it work.
Because I guess Nintendo has now trademarked the act of “throwing” in a videogame
I would buy the fuck out of a steam machine 2.0 if the specs were all right for the price
(Which means don’t work with fucking Dell Alienware)
Username checks out
I think if they wanna push the haptics in a handheld format they need to figure something out about the terrible battery life first
I haven’t played Outlaws yet but putting anything on the same list as Concord seems a little harsh
Starting at $899.99
I’m not sure. Maybe?
Completely unrelated but I didn’t know underscores could also denote italics
I would assume it’s the antiperspirant since I can use deodorant w/o it with no issue
“Congratulations, you’ve made it past the tutorial!”