That actually sounds wrong. Do they use the same level of graphics or was the first game optimized THAT badly?
That actually sounds wrong. Do they use the same level of graphics or was the first game optimized THAT badly?
Oh but you need to consider the overall spending on healthcare, not per-capita. That would be around 100-10000 times more than any other cointry. /s
Also I hope that its clear that spending money on healthcare while not providing healthcare does not make it any better.
I dont understand how anyone could criticize a per-capita statistic. It is completely logical to compare coutries by size. Or if not, we need to start talking about China being number one in almost everything in the world. Just having many people who contribute relatively little doesnt make your country more generous.
Interedting take, I dont really understand the downvotes. Probably gatekeeping, kinda sad.
And it is absolutely terrible as a game. Funny for a quick laugh, but I dont think thats what theyre talking about.
Is this c/upliftingnews?
Sure you could require them to inform the user. It would still require a change in law. I would personally stand against it because what you propose is the bare minimum needed to maintain legal status while maximising corporate comfort and minimizing user experience. It would be a law purely made to help companies exploit users.
Companies shouldnt be allowed to take completely absurd counterproductive (in the greater sense) measures just for the 0.01$ higher profit. If companies would behave like people in maintaining a healthy relationship with the law, this wouldnt be a problem. Fact is, many companies do everything in their power to get as close to the fine line separating immoral from illegal as possible to maximize profit (also more often than not straight illegal but hard to prove).
You know about squatters rights? Its the same phenomenon, except imagine 10% of the population doing it. Im pretty sure the law would change in a heartbeat. Companies have no moral compass, no shame or sense of dignity, thats why they need especially strict and explicit laws keeping them in check.
Also, to your last point: You would not be prevented from buying it. You would simply buy it under user friendly conditions. Noone would stop you from just not playing the game after a year if thats what youre concerned about. I dont see why it would have to be shut down for that.
Not sure what you mean. Companies dont tell you beforehand that they are going to shut games down. They usually dont even know they will, so I dont see how your example holds up here. Maybe you could explain.
This is about companies shutting down games after some time making them unplayable, even for people who already purchased them. Its like if Samsung would remotely lock your TV making you unable to turn it on again because they stopped “supporting” it.
There is simply no way to justify it. Its a symptom of greed, they dont want you to own a product that doesnt generate them revenue anymore.
deleted by creator
Interesting how condifently you are talking about the subject even though your comment makes it obvious you have no idea what the petition is about.
Yes of course, Im not trying to invalidate genderneutral pronouns. If someone wishes to be adressed in a certain way replacing the words him/her, sure. But ‘I’ is not a gendered pronoun (at least to my understanding). Its the single universal word used to talk about oneself in the 1st person, isnt it? It is genderneutral already, so why would you feel the need to replace that?
Genuine question coz Im not american. Whats the benefit of replacing a completely genderneutral word like ‘I’ with something else? Seems to me its just ragebait, do people actually use pronouns like that?
Also, is it even gramatically correct to use 3rd person speech when talking about yourself? Isnt that just confusing everyone?
This isnt reddit, people cant take jokes here /s
Level scaling is usually used to make development easier, so making it optional would require the extra work to come up with appropriate enemy strength and the eoptional scaling effect on top.
Its a similar situation. You ‘cant do anything about anything’ and handing out band-aids is ‘better than nothing’. Would ‘giving someone a band-aid is a good thing’ be your stance in that situation or would you find it rather inappropriate?
Technically youre right, but would you say the same if Putin started handing out band-aids to ukrainians who just lost their families?
Whats gonna happen?
Not sure if I would call having multiple assassination attempts on you and then getting stabbed being lucky xD
You forgot to mention that they will let you use it for cheap until everyone got used to it and then crank up the price by 500%
I enjoyed the first 2 games but after seeing a video of those ‘supposedly woke’ ragebait scenes I knew I wont ever want this in my library. I dont know what the purpose behind that stuff is but its disturbing…