They are (apparently in no particular order):
- Barbarella (Roger Vadim, 1968)
- Piranha 3DD (John Gulager, 2012)
- Alien vs. Predator: Requiem (The Brothers Strause, 2007)
- Highlander II: The Quickening (Russell Mulcahy, 1991)
- Roller Blade (Donald G. Jackson, 1986)
- 2012 (Roland Emmerich, 2009)
- Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2 (Bob Clark, 2004)
- Mac and Me (Stewart Raffill, 1988)
- Battlefield Earth (Roger Christian, 2000)
- After Earth (M Night Shyamalan, 2013)
Barbarella is campy fun, I wouldn’t call it bad.
Exactly. I finally watched this a couple years ago and it’s so hilariously bad, it’s good.
I was pretty bored by it except for the sex bits (I was a teenager).
Gentlemen, I would submit to you, as worst SF movie ever… The Core
I give you all my up votes. I’ve said this not even halfway into the movie and it’s still true today.
Same, I kept watching just to see how horrendously terrible it could get. It didn’t disappoint.
20 years later, I still have it pop up in my head right away as the worst SF movie I’ve ever seen.
I had forgotten that I had watched it. I’m all out of brain bleach, dammit.
There is no way that The Core is worse than Moonfall. I mean… it’s not good… but at least it’s fun and has Stanley Tucci in it
Second that.
Let me introduce everyone to Sharks of the Corn. It makes Battlefield Earth look like Citizen Kane.
Oh… my… 🤣
“2012” was the movie that gave my hubs his best line ever (about 20 minutes from the end), “This movie could have stopped about five endings ago…”
If I had editing skills, I would remove the bit where they are underwater trying to get the ship door closed… I didn’t mind it except for that bit
Some of those are a given (Highlander 2, Battlefield Earth) but others suggest they need to watch more movies.
I’d also include:
- League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2003)
- Cosmic Sin (2021) and Anti-Life (2020) - I understand the context but that doesn’t stop them from being shit
- Alone in the Dark (2005) - screw Uwe Boll
- Monster (2008)
- Disaster Movie (2008)
- Brazilian Star Wars (1978)
- Doghouse (2008) - punchable
- Most mockbusters, especially the Atlantic Rim ones
Still waiting for whichever studio owns the rights to LGX to make a tv series out of it.
LXG is good.
LXG should have been good. It’s amazing they managed to make such a bad movie with that premise.
It took itself seriously. I read the comics and they’re awesome because they are so over the top.
What was the context?
Monster (2008)
I double checked this one. The weird thing is, Cloverfield was released as Monstro in Russia and Ukraine, Project: Monster in Poland, Monstrous in Romania and Bulgaria. I’ve yet to hear why, but I guess it’s eastern european distributors rightfully thought this name would be more telling of what’s presented in the movie.
I haven’t watched it, and I’m Brazilian, but I’ll defend Brazilian Start Wars anyway. I’ll basically defend [any nationality] Star Wars actually. [any nationality] [any popular franchise] needs to be a genre.
Here you go - it’s dreadful.
[any nationality] [any popular franchise] needs to be a genre.
There are enough Italian Star Wars films to form their own genre.
I looked it up after commenting. It’s a Trapalhões movie. I probably watched it as a child. I don’t know how or when you watched it, but I would have to defend it for historical reasons. It’s the first movie with the four comedians that formed the main group together. The special effects are awful for being filmed using videotapes and sending them to the USA for transferring to 35mm (an illegal act at the time). They are clowns, as in circus clowns making cinema, which informs a lot of the comedy.
All that to say, as before, it’s good dreadful, something not everyone even believe exists.
2012! Did they not watch Moonfall, it made 2012 look like Shakespeare.
The fourth item on the list, they’re referring to a film that doesn’t actually exist, never has and never will exist.
The Highlander series went straight from 1 to 3 due to a historical accident.
The Highlander series ended after 1 movie. After all, there can be only one 🙂
wow. I had no idea they never made highlander 1 or 3
Unapologetic Alien fan here. Alien vs. Predator: Requiem is awful. Watched it a couple of times, still can’t remember what it’s about.
I was just thinking that I think I’ve probably seen that, but don’t remember anything about it.
Take the love story from Battleship, then make all the characters the dumbest college age kids you can think of, then sprinkle in a couple of Xenomorphs and Predators doing the world a favor.
2012 is one of my favourite movies. I don’t care what this author thinks, I love that movie. It’s fun, over the top, and enjoyable. I’m not watching it for some science-accurate portrayal of the end of the world. I’m watching it for the entertaining destruction, and this movie hits it.
Yea it’s not strictly a “good” movie. But yes it’s fun as hell to watch. Definitely up there near the top of my favorites in the disaster movie genre.
Recently got into watching older SciFu from the 70s/80s and a chatter on stream suggested “Star Crash” which is very hard to find apparently, had to get it off eBay.
It is basically if some kid watched Star Wars and said “What is this? I can do better than this!” And made it again but 100x worse. It’s really awful but in the good kind of way. Even the editing is terrible, there are cuts that make no sense, etc. But it has David Hasslehoff in it!
Haven’t watched the second one yet, but I am delighted to see what they tried to rip off for that one.
Star Crash is one of the more competent Star Wars rip-offs or cash-ins and is good cheesy fun - Brazilian Star Wars is terrible, Turkish Star Wars us deranged.
Barbarella is freaking awesome and I’ll fight over that.
It is, however, bad sci-fi. Great movie, just not really sci-fi in the important ways.
I don’t understand how they can say “overly sexualised voyages into space” and not include Galaxy of Terror. The worm rape scene that didn’t need to be in the movie and Corman forced back in makes it a much better contender for the slot Barbarella is in. On a script, camp, and exploitation level it is worse in every way and it’s even a ripoff of Alien to boot, arguably making it worse than Alien v Predator: Requiem which at least tries to be original.
I own it on laserdisc. The only reason I’ve seen it more than once is because people are surprised Sid Haig and Robert Englund did a movie together. It’s fucking bad and holy shit is the worm rape scene the fucking peak of Corman being a misogynistic, exploitative walnut. To be totally frank it really disgusts me that he still gets a platform (legacy) after forcing this scene into the movie and directing it himself, even if some people think it contributed to the movie’s commercial success.
even if some people think it contributed to the movie’s commercial success.
Was it a commercial success?
According to movie commentary, depends on who you talk to. Wikipedia lists the budget as 1.8mil and a box office of either 4mil or 1.3mil so it’s kinda unclear what the truth is.
so we’re just ignoring straight to VHS and straight to Netflix then?
let me introduce you to Alien Intruder
Battlefield Earth is a masterpiece fight me
deleted by creator
Battlefield earth is one of my favorite awful movies.
Trying to watch it gave me a headache with all those camera angles