Bow tie, not sure why, I just find it more visually appealing
Bow tie, not sure why, I just find it more visually appealing
Read the title as “Starbucks will brick…”
I was thinking that there’s a lesson here in not buying things that are non-core to the companies operations
What a great blog series, thanks for the link!
Insert blues brothers meme:
We’ve both kinds, we got low code and no code
It’s fine, the code is the documentation
Slugabed I’ve used before, usually to describe me!
To paraphrase a shower thoughts post from a few weeks back though (not mine), why is going to bed early seen as pious but staying in bed late seen as slothful when the net result is the same amount of time spent in bed?
What part of this don’t you understand? If two turbines is good, and three turbines is better, obviously five turbines would make us the best fucking wind platform that ever existed. Comprende? We didn’t claw our way to the top of the wind platform game by clinging to the two-turbine industry standard. We got here by taking chances. Well, five turbines is the biggest chance of all.
The fourth item on the list, they’re referring to a film that doesn’t actually exist, never has and never will exist.
The Highlander series went straight from 1 to 3 due to a historical accident.
Because there’s only thing worse than a new world order, and that’s not being at the top of the new world order
Another vote for the Bastion soundtrack by Darren Korb.
One of the very few Sci fi films on which I have given up after about 30 minutes
Socialised private transport? Call it a car club and it’s private enterprise and therefore okay, like Zipcar here in the UK!
At this point why even have your own car? A pool of cars that can come and pick you up when you need it would be more efficient and allow the cost to be shared widely across a group
I for one am a totally normal human person
Critics didn’t like it? I’ve seen it twice and think it’s great!