That headline is pretty confusing if you only know Don Ho as a Hawaiian singer.
That headline is pretty confusing if you only know Don Ho as a Hawaiian singer.
The remaster is already done, it includes both Soul Reaver 1 and 2.
Shining Force NEO and Shining Force EXA are both great underrated action RPGs.
M-Discs are not like standard Blu-rays, they were designed specifically for long-term archive storage. If you follow the link at the top of this thread you can get some more detailed information on them. They’re supposed to last several hundred years, but of course no one has empirical evidence of that yet.
I’m guessing 1 out of 10 respondents didn’t understand the question.
They’ve done that kind of thing before, throw in a notoriously failed game, but not as the headliner. The most obvious example I can think of is Gotham Knights.
If you’re absolutely set on playing it I’d say there’s a fairly good chance it shows up in Humble Choice within the next year or so.
I assume he’s including himself in “tech leaders”.
You may be thinking of “balls out” which refers to centrifugal regulators that are usually used on steam engines.
Rock and stone, brother!
It’s replacing GeForce Experience. The nVidia Control Panel is still around.
It’s called Angels with Filthy Souls, but it’s not a real movie. The scenes were created specifically for Home Alone.
Yeah, black on tan for me.
BlueskAI on the other hand…
Not when Elon can sue companies into continuing to advertise on Twitter.
Found it, thanks!
Where would I find that setting? I have an S22 Ultra and I can’t seem to find it. Unless my phone has fallen out of support…
It’s on Usenet. Only in Swedish though, and only Swedish subs.