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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023


  • Next time you want to bitch about everything Trump taking legal years:

    My case is about 5 years old now, I have been going through the legal process the whole time I’ve been working on this. I have finally been found guilty and sentenced, and I’m going away next month.

    In other news, legal insurance is about $26/mo. Arm yourself. (And it’s not just for suing people or defending criminal charges. Having a legal opinion a phone call away, or a letter written, can be life changing.)

  • Y’all might enjoy reading Blindsight. Really digs into questions of sapience, intelligence, etc. Is it evolutionary cost worth it? I’ve read it 15+ times. Because I’m a psycho.

    “You think we’re nothing but a Chinese Room,” Rorschach sneered. “Your mistake, Theseus.”

    And suddenly Rorschach snapped into view—no refractory composites, no profiles or simulations in false color. There it was at last, naked even to Human eyes.

    Imagine a crown of thorns, twisted, dark and unreflective, grown too thickly tangled to ever rest on any human head. Put it in orbit around a failed star whose own reflected half-light does little more than throw its satellites into silhouette. Occasional bloody highlights glinted like dim embers from its twists and crannies; they only emphasized the darkness everywhere else.

    Imagine an artefact that embodies the very notion of torture, something so wrenched and disfigured that even across uncounted lightyears and unimaginable differences in biology and outlook, you can’t help but feel that somehow, the structure itself is in pain.

    Now make it the size of a city.