So are optical discs
So are optical discs
The Witness
Lots of diagrams
Mostly that this hasn’t been my experience with Windows for like 20 years.
They might as well bitch about dropping their punch cards.
This was made by someone who has never used either
They swore to their fathers they’d never use it
Perfect for the annoying dog!
I would have loved more del Toro and Perlman but it was still pretty good.
To me it felt like one of those movies where everyone decided to hate it before it even came out.
Hellboy doesn’t belong on this list at all.
This puts the win in Windows
Fuck, I would love to rewrite the front end.
LXG should have been good. It’s amazing they managed to make such a bad movie with that premise.
I would romance to hell out of Lotus
It’s practically the only game system that’s not already in there somewhere
This argument makes zero sense.
Warframe is the only Steam game I have installed right now.
The Orange Box was the first thing I bought on Steam when HL2 was released.
I remember playing 7th Guest at my friend’s house when it came out!
Can’t you just turn that off in the settings?
They think they can.
I just use UUIDs