If you want reasonable performance, you’ll need this:
747.41kW, or around six and a quarter NVIDIA GB200 NVL72 racks. Max power consumption was rated for around 1.75MW.
I think my electric company would pay me a visit if I fired that bad boy up in my house lmao, to bad the auction closed already. Oh and it closed at 480k lmfaooo
I really really tried to like it, but I would constantly run into issues with files not deleting properly and would get database errors regularly. If the intent was to separate management of the underlying database, all it did was cause headaches.
Not to mention, not being able to easily just go under the hood to the file system and remove something drove me up a wall. Just let me delete my files, dammit!
I ended up just using a big-standard file share on TrueNAS.
The best NC setup, is uninstalling NC. Seriously, I spent a month getting that monstrosity to work and not bitch about configurations OUT OF THE BOX that it does NOT HAVE A UI FOR just to find out that half of the ‘apps’ are half-baked buggy messes and the other are out of date, half-baked buggy messes. A to-do system without repeating item availability was the last one I learned about before salting the earth of that hopeless project.
Actually got me pissed off, thinking about it again. Jesus.
Been running NC since 5+ years without any issue 🤷
lol this is such a classic Linux trope
Person A: I can’t seem to get this to work! Arg!
Person B: I have been running this for years with no issues. It just works!
My only problem is trying to use it with the android app. I have to manually sync it like all the time which is a pain in the ass when I forget to do it before I go out the door and my shopping list isn’t update. That and it won’t sync files I create on the phone to the server
Yeah that sounds bad. Did you disable battery optimization for the app?
Right? I’ve been using NextCloud/OwnCloud since ~2015. It’s a very standard LAMP app, nothing fancy going on at all. Give it enough memory and you’ll never have any problems, same as any other web service.
nextcloud aio docker image. final answer
Best way I’ve seen to do it.
Does this allow for easy upgrades and/or are there any issues with local storage? I used to run it about an age and a half ago, but I’ve recently wanted to spin an instance back up for a few reasons. These things change so fast, I looked away and now I’m out of the loop.
Upgrades are easy, backups are really good, if upgrades mess up, you can restore from backup even if NC is hosed. As for local storage, I never did it, but here’s the docs for it! https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/latest/admin_manual/configuration_files/external_storage/local.html
NC seems to either work completely or it doesnt, barely an inbetween there.
Its fine for me for two years and going. But I only have two users and maybe 200 GB of data. My 16 gigs of ram barely goes above 20%, my 4 thread oldschool xeon usually stays at <5% usage.
Doing sysadmin stuff for 20 yrs probably helps though.
You don’t really need anything to get started, just 20 years of experience.