Debian, Redhat, Arch, SUSE, Alpine
That’s pretty much all of them
Edit: I forgot Gentoo and Slackware
+1 for The Room!
Tried pipewire?
Or whatever the fuck Dragon’s Dogma 2 had
Some of the old team are working on one called “Exodus” that looks okay. Matthew McConaughey is involved somehow, so take of that what you will.
Chromebook can run Android apps with the stock OS, so you’re probably good there.
Didn’t try a VM, but it definitely does not work on WINE.
Edit: just did a quick search, it does work with a VM. I also thought about something like Waydroid to run the Android app, or maybe a port kind of like Sober does for Roblox, but I have tried neither and I’m going to sleep soon, so hopefully I’ll remember about it later lol
Can’t wait for the Linux version.
I get it lol, but my point was that you won’t specifically need Pop! OS, you’ll be able to use it on whatever.
It should be available for all distros. The alpha is available in the Arch repos right now, for example.
Ah yeah, Pop! OS is going through a bit of a transitional period, while they work out the bugs on Cosmic DE.
I can speak from experience on the Cricut: you’ll still need Design Space to actually do the cutting, but you can use Inkscape to make your designs, just export them to .svg files and load those into Design Space on an old tablet or something. There’s currently no alternative to Design Space for the actual cutting, due to Cricut’s proprietary nature.
There was GTA, GTA London 1969, and GTA 2 all in the 2D era.
I am a child
Steam Deck?
Skill level plateau
Also AmogOS