The best time to burn down a poisonous tree was 20 years ago etc etc
The best time to burn down a poisonous tree was 20 years ago etc etc
Genuine question, does anyone know how much of the electricity is used for training the model vs using it to generate responses?
You think they’re bad, wait until you experience {myCity} drivers!
Only if you bang on the pot to make the water in the soup remember the human essence so eating it gives me invincibility against anything vaguely resembling being man-made.
Walgreens could make bank selling that.
You’re not wrong
New templeOS fork?
Meet the Feebles
GM’s Super Cruise is absolutely great. It only works on highways though. I recently drove for 5 hours through three states without touching the gas, brake, or steering wheel once. Except the little nub on the steering wheel to adjust the set speed.
Of our sample size, 100% of “smart” (capable of symbolic language) monkey species have already written Hamlet.
That’s not a third option in the same list (things they are going to do), it’s an item in an entirely different list (foss responses to their actions).
I may be missing the point. How do the external venetian blinds clash with insect screens?
I’ve never had external blinds, but I’d assume the issue is being able to access them to open or close them. I suppose for a single-story house you could go outside every time?
These fucking 304s walking around with their exposed ankles will never find a husband. How will they live without a husband to get a bank account for them? They’ll die miserable and destitute, and they’ll deserve it.
And I’m not an incel for saying so, because I have a kid! Checkmate, cucks!
That’s called aftercare.
I’m genuinely curious what that number would be if we removed any stigma from admitting to it. I’m having trouble finding reliable numbers for sociopathy, but my unreliable memory from reading The Sociopath Nextdoor was 5% of the population are sociopaths, and I don’t think it’s unreasonable that 20% of those would have people they’d kill if there were no consequences for doing so.
If not for people’s negative feelings toward being murdered, I would only take <1% of people enjoying murdering for it to be an extinction-level problem.
Also computer issues aren’t a problem anymore after that (perhaps aside from the Ixians).