I asked the AI if it was wrong or you were wrong. It said you were wrong.
Who am I to believe?
I asked the AI if it was wrong or you were wrong. It said you were wrong.
Who am I to believe?
Jokes on you buddy. Most people can’t afford houses these days.
But yeah, if you don’t know what exactly what you’re doing, err on the side of caution
All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.
O365 for business?
I thought there were only automatics nowadays!
No wonder Linux is so hard
Or you know, gparted, arch bootable, Windows Drive Management, Ubuntu…
I mean out of all the things I’d THINK you’d have trouble in, partitioning and formatting is…. not one of them.
I’m genuinely curious as an Arch user. Does gentoo not come with fdisk?
Is EAAC similar to EAC where we’ll need a specifically compiled glibc?
What’s a token ring?
Also I’m pretty sure I still have a box of 3.5” they can have lol
Do they expect someone to work at cost for them? Running a company has overhead.
It sounds like they know what the code should do generally, but either didn’t design it to be debuggable or have no idea what they are doing.
Everyone has their own way of doing things and when you commit you need to make sure you deliver a quality product.
Bug hunting sucks, especially with other people’s design.
Hi ChatGPT, write code with no memory or logic errors to perform .
I’m not sure how to talk to ChatGPT, I’m assuming like Siri.
Nah fam.
Years ago it was “Don’t be evil”. Now it’s “Dont be evil™(1)(2)”
(1) it is okay to be evil if the profit would be outrageous (2) if it’s questionable, we ignore the evaluation to see how much profit it generates first
Details, details… you gotta look at the bigger picture
So despite what they say, Arch IS the superior distro
Hey, even if Concorde failed doesn’t mean it wasn’t the first commercial plane to break the sound barrier.
I don’t know what it looks like now. In 2019, at least in one of the cities I went to, it seemed like everyone had a XiaoMi
Look in the OS provided “App Store” first - GUI or not, your choice.
Can’t find what you’re looking for? Look for a TRUSTED alternative App Store source. Then check the App Store again.
Still can’t find it? Look to see if there is a package available that your OS can recognize (different based on what flavor of Linux you’re running)
Still can’t find it? See if you can find the code to build the dang thing yourself.
… did everyone remove the media drive off laptops? There are also external media drives.
Red hat based? Install the RPM. Debian based? Install the deb, generally? Install from the repository. You can also install from source if you’d like
Why don’t they like blood donors