Chev Chelios ❤️
I’m a Streamer and Software Dev in Liverpool, UK.
Stop by if you fancy a chat or whatever, https://twitch.tv/psaldorn
Chev Chelios ❤️
I want more and I know I shouldn’t.
Jesus Christ! That’s Matt Damon!
As a web dev I’m not worried, but chatgpt has been useful figuring out some Godot/C# oddities that come with learning a new language. I worry for the new people who will just use what it says and not learn anything.
Even then, it will spit out methods and signatures from different but similar libraries (litedb and sqlite for instance)
But like @rooroo@feddit.org said, I was expecting it to be a single page, probably rammed with unnecessary JavaScript.
I’m Guessing he downloaded it from chatgpt, hence the location
An API with extra steps
Can you remember a fuckup-free Nvidia launch?
Un-releases, melting connecters (part 1), cropped vram.
Geforces 1-3 We’re ok on launch from what I remember…
I know! (Jumpin’ Jehosaphat!, I’m no boomer!) 🤭
I need this and I’m an elder millenial
I got to play FaF with a top ranked player Vs 8 of us low-mid tiers (and one total novice)
We were still pottering about setting up defences and he had filled his half of the map with factories and quickly killed 2 or 3 of us. We won but only because one of us had a gunship squadron going around the map edge and found his commander.
It’s quite astonishing what he did in such a short time.
It did kind of kill my enthusiasm for it though, an excession event where you realise you are just a pathetic minnow. Humbling
I thought those fucking cretins were supposed to be reducing government waste. How is forcing agencies to paint over murals with positive vibes and update their website to remove magic words a good use of their time and money?
because it’s not and never was about that and by the time everyone else realises it will be too late to stop it without great effort
I just tried it for the first time. I like how it tried to educate me
I didn’t like the verbosity overall
It felt dumb that using it via android studio it didn’t have any capacity. It didn’t know I was building for android. It couldn’t implement any of its own suggestions and a lot of the suggestions were incomplete.
After asking chatgpt, Gemini and deepseek I still can’t get Godot to build an android export that contains the sqlite shared object accessible to the code.
I’m losing my mind.
Right now none specifically, but I haven’t really done an audit. I understand it’s pretty good nowadays with proton.
What I don’t want is to accidentally play an unsupported game and get vac banned or something.
If stellaris, total war and a handful of others worked I could probably convince myself to look into dual booting to try it out. I imagine OBS is fine. Streamdeck works on Mac so might be ok.
I can do indie grade game development on an M1 MacBook air. It’s wild how tech has progressed.
But I do my day job work on a Linux mint laptop and have a windows gaming pc until such time as I can fuck that useless piece of shit software into the fucking ether where it belongs.
I recently worked with this data and it’s actually really rough. Different standards for cell tower IDs, overlaps and same tower different tech (4G/5G/NBIoT etc)
Government’s would have better access but fit commercial use is not fun (for tracking your own SIMs, not other people’s)
See the GTA loading bug fiasco.
Nobody in the whole company or QA thought “why does this take so long to load? Maybe I should check that?”
In a similar vein, if you want to try something new check out starsector. You have to get it from their website currently but it’s a great game, lots of potential, lots of mods.
You can try to revive the sector, build your own mega corp, become a pirate, be a slaver, be an anti-slaver, gun running.
No FPS parts though
Laser guided munition in comic form. I have taken 100% of the blast.
Nothing a short nap can’t fix.
Heaven forfend they have to Google 2 words to learn about another culture
I hope there is a “dirt running down” simulation. Washing from the bottom up should be penalised.