TIL that actual game studios sell their games on itch.io. I thought it was just solo/indie devs’ place :o
The worst kind of an Internet-herpaderp. Internet-urpo pahimmasta päästä.
TIL that actual game studios sell their games on itch.io. I thought it was just solo/indie devs’ place :o
Yup, reasonable points.
But, it is 3 clicks for now, but it might not even be an option later on. Yea yea, doomer and tinfoilhats. :)
the ads in a paid os shouldn’t be a thing to begin with.
gamers nexus - basically anything they review gets dissected to absurd detail.
But in general I still prefer to crossreference multiple sources if I’m thinking of getting [whateverthething]
well, I am using vim, but I don’t know how to use vim.
Am I vimming?
this is me, doing php and javascript on daily basis.
I do use blender quite a bit, but haven’t really used much of the video editor. Last time I tried it CTD’d contantly. If it has gotten stable, reasonable audio tools and gpu accelerated video output, it might be a contender.
thank you for the tip, will check it out.
Essentially what I need is 3+ audiotracks, compressors for each and master. Then annotate with images/text whatever video there is. And yes it’s gameplay videos mostly.
lossless cut not really a concern, but I’d like to have the end result rendered out fast, so nvenc (current hardware) or so would be grand.
But, will expirement!
Most of my stuff works on Linux now, so, yay. Currently only thing holding me back from doing a full switch is essentially video editing.
My current go-to video editor is Vegas Pro, and it just works like an extension of me, for me. I’ve tried few editors on linux (kdenlive, davinci) but they’re either very limited/odd/user-error-id10t or just doesn’t support video formats I need (davinci, free version doesn’t support h264 or hevc, and not feeling like shelling north of 300 USD for it). Next up on my testing plate is Shotcut, but haven’t gotten around to it yet.
while davinci resolve is probably pretty top shelf as editor, just be mindful of limitations, namely: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/DaVinci_Resolve#MP4,_H.264,_H.265_and_AAC_Support
DaVinci Resolve free does not support decoding or encoding H.264 and H.265 video, regardless of the container type.
Neither DaVinci Resolve free or Studio versions support decoding or encoding of AAC audio streams.
Unless you feel like buying the studio version, you can’t really use h264/h265 video codecs. For me this is pretty much a dealbreaker as I don’t have hardware which could encode eg. AV1 video reasonably - and I really don’t want to transcode recordings to different formats for editing.
I don’t think you can take your 3 curved monitors in eg. trains or other travel with you. :P
I don’t have steamdeck either, but seems like pretty dope portable system to me.
any% with glitches is pretty much always a wild ride to watch.
on that note; man I need to get back on the IGN’s playlist of “devs react to speedruns”, most devs are such good sport when it comes to breaking their game :D
TBF, generally speedrunners start speedrunning games because they love it to death (ie. have played it through several times already) and want to start challenging themselves in new ways.
you might have to explain the joke a bit. I get that jokes don’t get better with explaining, but… I don’t get it
exactly this.
As cool as it is (pun intended) to reach new heights with liquid nitrogen, what is the usecase for ~an hour (give or take) of stupid fast computing? I generally tend to use my machines longer than that.
so… I take the multiplayer parts are going to be going away soon-ish, as offline mode is incoming and 1€ pricetag atm? Is this a last squeeze for the game?
Never played any of the crew games, but it’s openworld racing and radiotowers (as its ubisoft? :D)?
man, it’s been ages since I last saw this movie. Sober me’s todo for tomorrow: meaning of life, python. GET. ON. IT.
“20$ is 20$”
which said it first: kofi -funded developer or onlyfans star?
aww, that’s a bummer, I’ve been eyeing that game for quite a while and it does seem interesting.