Which doesn’t mean we should make it so more innocent people die.
Which doesn’t mean we should make it so more innocent people die.
It’s literally Overwatch. Which famously did great. Had there not been an Overwatch, it would’ve probably done great too.
This would probably quickly get curbed as it isn’t “just inaction” but rather actively trying to mislead people
Game they keep updating with new content and microtransactions.
Emulators are legal. Using a pirated copy of a game isn’t. So they take on the legal part to get to pirates. Which is extremely uncool.
… All movies could be great or could be done very poorly.
I wonder if the franchise would’ve survived with ugly sonic. Also, does this count as “a good video game movie”? I thought those didn’t exist.
You could say the same about steam reviews.
Fellow gmod player, yay. I think I have most in Warframe, Garrys Mod, CS:GO, 600 - 900hrs each. Then games like TF2, HOI 4, Payday 2, each at around 300hrs. A lot of time in Tabletop Simulator. After that a bunch of games at 200hrs, but too many to list here.
Because there is a reason nobody does that serverside. Programming games and programming a service are two different beasts.
It is impossible to do these types of checks on serverside. Your PC needs to know where to render the enemy character ahead of time, otherwise they’ll pop into existence after you are dead. Bonus points for packet loss. Programming games isn’t the same as validating input from some rando trying to log in on a site, it’s an unsolved problem that all games have an issue with - from FPS like CS, RTS like Starcraft 2, to mobas like League.
Lmao no, we didn’t. You are thinking 2012. I’m thinking 2008 - DasBooSchitt with his Idiot Box series. It was a while before we got filmmaker and it was a huge gamechanger with how smooth the animation could be. No more players throwing shit with the gravity gun from the sides, no more posing a face and changing sliders to make a stop motion “animation”. No more invisible thrusters to make someone flail their arms and legs. No more physgun from the side rotating the head to simulate “talking”. That’s why vagineer had such an exaggerated face - you can’t / don’t need to make that shit talk.
I don’t pull this quote often, but do not cite the deep magic to me, I was there when it was written. I was on Unsmart’s when Mopaz was coding the drunk combine. We had a shitload of the most talented Expression 2 minds around. We had VTOL planes, we had WW2 tanks and artillery, AC-130s which flew around the map. Hoverballs were literally the most shameful tool someone could use, everything was calculated with actual physics and applyForce / applyTorque. Those were the days. Nowadays they aren’t the days.
Skibidi is a machinima. Like in ye olden times when we used gmod to make movies / animations / shitposts. Just another generation of people leaving their mark on the world. They do have source filmmaker now, so that makes it higher quality than the physgun posed animation way back when.
Was pretty obvious to me that they meant the voice actress.
So now you try to convince the 99% of players that are buying the bad practices, that a magic (to them) program that prevents cheaters is bad (since “has too much access” doesn’t really explain anything). They don’t care and won’t care.
I’m not jesting, I know they will do it. Bloodborne is a literal goldmine. They could’ve ported to PC and swam in money. By now it’s probably too late to do that, most of the hype went away. But a Bloodborne 2? Yah.
They buy it, make Bloodborne 2 and make it a PS exclusive, then disolve the company entirely as a giant “fuck you” to PC players.
Except chemicals aren’t “uncruel” and neither is the electric chair. The only difference is the spectacle for the viewers. The person sufferring doesn’t “go out without pain” or anything.