It happend on 20 March 1995, during rush hour. It killed 13 people, severely injuring 50 (some of whom later died) and causing temporary vision problems for nearly 1,000 others. Its leader, whose name I’m not gonna mention (you can read it if you want), was executed on July 6, 2018 by hanging.
I remember that. That was wild and sparked my interest into cults
How many have you been in now?
You earn more as a leader but have more fun as a follower. ~ Creed
MAGA is an interesting cult. Any advice on how we can destroy that one?
The solution to a Local Cult is the National Police.
The solution to a National Cult is an International Police?
European World Police - North America Division? 🤔
(Europe, pls send help)
Oh boy. Gonna have to see a supermassive Waco go down, huh?
“Yeah, cults are really fun, but I have a sixth sense about when the fun is over. You know, when there’s gonna be an FBI raid or mass sooey, or blend up beavers and put it in the town’s water supply.”
~Francine Smith
It is wild to see a TIL about something you saw on TV as a kid and remember being referenced multiple times over the years. Not a diss on OP, just a realization that fuck I am and old person now.
lol, I scrolled down here to post the same. TIL I’m old.
Lol, I wasn’t even born 😅
And nobody ever told me about this
I highly recommend Haruki Murakami’s “Underground”, which is a non-fiction work where he compiles stories from the survivors and those who responded.
I remember it happening and learning about it, but I didn’t fully understand Aum or japans culture.
Balloons, Umbrellas, and Doctors. Not the best combo
@IDKWhatUsernametoPutHereLolol For those interested: ‘Underground’, Murakami’s dive into the abyss afterwards, is bone chilling good.
by hanging? what year is this
Chemicals are expensive and electricity bills are also high, a rope is the cheapest.
Japan doesn’t have the “no cruel and unusual punishment” clause in their constitution… so… ➰️💀
Except chemicals aren’t “uncruel” and neither is the electric chair. The only difference is the spectacle for the viewers. The person sufferring doesn’t “go out without pain” or anything.
In other words, after attack, the perpetrators got to live another 23 years
That’s the dilemma with legal proceedings.
If we want everyone to have a fair trial and allow appeals process, things take too long.
But if we allow things to be rushed, innocent people could get executed.
Innocent people still get murdered by the state. Just look at Texas, Arkansas, and Mississippi. Plus throw Georgia in there.
That’s why the death penalty is abhorrent. Even one innocent person murdered by the state is too high of a cost to bear.
Which doesn’t mean we should make it so more innocent people die.