And the data stays local.
And the data stays local.
If I make sandwiches and people decide to eat my sandwiches then why should the government require me to follow basic health and safety.
Service offered to the general public should expect to be regulated.
It seems ideal for wristwear.
It’s only censorship if it’s a government doing it
The amount of public space, both real and virtual, is decreasing dramatically. I think limits on private censorship should definitely exist.
I presume Google and Microsoft are similarly bad.
What if I’m buying a graphics card to run Flux or an LLM locally. Aren’t these cards good for those use cases?
Mathematicians are just bad at naming things. For example
Rings don’t resemble circles
Fields aren’t literal open spaces
Normal has about 20 different meanings
Chaos is not random
There is already a pair of objects we can use to store fractions. The ratio of two integers.
Irrational numbers is when floating points come into play.
So, are words important to the human brain or not? You are not consistent.
You said
your brain does not have words imprinted in it…
You also said
language is a big thing in the human intelligence and consciousness.
You need to pick an argument and stick to it.
language is a big thing in the human intelligence and consciousness.
But an LLM isn’t actually language. It’s numbers that represent tokens that build words. It doesn’t have the concept of a table, just the numerical weighting of other tokens related to “tab” & “le”.
I’ve seen more VR headsets than 3D tvs.
Why Pico over Quest?
It’s a excellent workspace, if your work involves anything 3D.
It is not for office work though. I don’t see VR spreadsheets taking off.
The whole ex-Mckinsey management layer is at risk. Whole teams of people who were dedicated to producing pretty slides with “action titles” for managers higher up the chain to consume and regurgitate are now having their lunch eaten by AI.
Was always syntacticly confusing for me.