I played the second Styx game when Xbox did free games with gold and enjoyed it. Depending on the price I’ll probably pick this up (or just wait until it goes on sale)
I played the second Styx game when Xbox did free games with gold and enjoyed it. Depending on the price I’ll probably pick this up (or just wait until it goes on sale)
Why not
I host at home so unfortunately can’t give you any advice on a vps
If you’re torrenting, yes I would recommend a VPN. If you’re setting up docker containers, gluetun is what you want to use. It’s a client you can use to connect to most major VPN providers
You don’t need to open your server to the internet for you or your partner to remotely access it. You can use tailscale (or manually setup wireguard) to remotely access it without exposing anything. Alternatively, if you still want to open it, you can use fail2ban. I don’t know enough about networking to tell you exactly how secure it makes you, but assuming you’re a normal guy who isn’t pissing off any major corporations/states/etc it’s probably fine
I haven’t clicked on any of the links you provided, but I assume they mention the *arr stack. Some other goodies that may not have been mentioned though are jellyseerr, which has a nice frontend to search and request movies and TV, and homarr, which is a dashboard you can setup to sync with your other hosted apps. I have a couple extra I could tell you if you want, but I think these are the most important for a basic “official feeling” setup
Honestly thank you. Been using homarr for a while and had no idea that had a completely new version
Which game makes you click through ads to get to the menu?
If anyone uses jellyfin you can also use jellyseerr, it’s just a fork of overseerr designed to work with jellyfin
This sub has a megathread that has a list of trusted sites for general use and specific categories. It also has sites for direct download if you prefer it
When I said I wonder why, I meant in regards to a game in an active life cycle. The game came out in 2021 and, as I said, recieved its last content drop with a new game on the way
This is obviously a good thing for ps gamers but I have to wonder why this is happening? The game just received its final content drop, and I don’t if it’s been officially announced, but the next game is gonna be coming soon, probably later this year or early next year and I find it hard to believe that it’s going to be released on ps as well.
The grass is always greener I guess
In what world is a “gacha system” not a lootbox
I don’t care what people have to say about apple
More speed is more heat is more battery wear
Why is making it an option with the default set to off worse than what they have now (slow charging with no option)?
I know Samsung and pixel both have this option, and I would be surprised if other major manufacturers didn’t. While people have their grievances with them, I’ve never heard anyone complain about overall battery lifetime.
If that is an actual concern people have then they can just turn it off by default
Ok so make it an option
I set mine up with duckdns and caddy. In duckdns set the ip address to your machines local address. If memory serves, there’s a section in the vaultwarden wiki about using caddy with duckdns
Idk man I think you’re reading too much into it
I did reinstall my os (and hop over to arch while I was at it) because I had a bug with Forza that made it crash on login.
It didn’t help (I think it was a bug with the save file) but at least I can say I installed arch the hard way
The title makes it seem like they recast her as a response to all the neckbeards shitting on the trailer.
In what way? The title doesn’t make it seem like anything, it literally just says she’s been recast
I know you’re joking, but assassin’s creed could unironically use less role play. The games have been downhill ever since they introduced it
Other people might like it, I like it myself, but Syndicate is objectively one of the lower quality games in the franchise