Well at least we got a backup, right?
It last ran a week ago and we technically haven’t tested it. Just our hot replicas which also just deleted all that data.
This is what we in the industry refer to as a “big oof.”
I thing the technical term for this is an RGE.
(Resume Generating Event)
For everyone’s sanity, please restrict access to the prod DB to like two people. No company wants that to happen to them, and no developer wants to do that.
Me applying for any database access ever: “read only. I do not want write. READ ONLY.”
8388409 = 2^23 - 199
I may have noticed this on a certain other aggregator site once upon a time, but I’m still none the wiser as to why.
199 rows kind of makes sense for whatever a legitimate query might have been, but if you’re going to make up a number, why 2^23? Why subtract? Am I metaphorically barking up the wrong tree?
Is this merely a mistyping of 8388608 and it was supposed to be ±1 row? Still the wrong (B-)tree?
It’s a good way to wake yourself up in the morning
Doctors HATE this one simple trick! Lose up to 100% of MyChart data - and KEEP it off!
Can help reduce blood pressure, high cholesterol, weight, height, gender, name and more to NULL! Wake up feeling NULL and NULL!