Man I really wonder what the venn diagram of Linux users/furries are. But I’m thinking it might be a circle within a circle kinda thing.
It is not two concentric circles, but the overlap is gigantic.
Both circles are entirely contained within a larger circle that says “neurodiverse people”, though.
I have a furry for a friend who’s a die-hard windows and Microsoft guy
So it’s more IT, less Linux
The evil tech savvy people
It starts with fuzzy socks
I use Linux because I like to know that if my computer doesn’t do what I want, it’s my own damn fault (and not some corporation trying to screw me over).
yea but from that frustration eventually comes the knowledge we want.
that was me when i switched and now i know what its doing on my most common workloads.
At least I get to find out why the spyware doesn’t work… and fix it 💪.
On the other hand, I have a hard time explaining to my family why shit in my computer constantly doesn’t work… or I’m in the process of fixing it 😂.
I’m in no way a Windows fan. Use manjaro for desktop, and ubuntu for servers as of now but keep trying new distros and love changing all the time, unfortunately. However, I dread to think if I was stuck on another planet with a linux distro without internet access to troubleshoot or find out how to do random things…
I know right? You might have to use the man pages.
I love it how you just want to do something simple and very, very common and normal with a command but you don’t know the magic flags to get it to do it and they’re not just a logical one (like, say “-a” for all) so you do a man for it and it has something like 50 flags listed in alphabethical rather than functional order, some of which only make sense in specific combinations (which are never show together and have to be found by reading the entries for all 50 flags) and there are no examples anywhere to be found of normal usage scenarios for that command.
So that’s when you use some internet search engine and it turns out the most common simplest use of it is something like “doshit --lol --nokidding --verbose=3”.
Drop manjaro l, start using endeavor, thank me later when your system doesnt randomly break on an update
but at the end it is possible to solve any and all problems linux, and troubleshooting difficult cryptic errors successfully makes you feel like a very smart god
Sometimes it takes way too long though. I had a display issue that made many of my tiny Linux boxes stop working and it took me almost a month to figure out the issue. I had to revert to an older kernal to fix them all. They just randomly stopped working one day lol. Makes me not want to accept updates so that’s not great
Until you forget what you’ve done and face the same issue again.
Eh, not a god. But the solution is somewhere there…
Omnipotent, just not omniscient.
The problem with that meme comic is that it doesn’t state which distro the fox was using, as far as the level of supported it requires.
Everyone who uses Linux knows that there are some distros that require more ‘tender loving care’ by their users than others.
When I see these kind of posts I can’t help but think that maybe they’re being made by people who could be astroturfing for another company and it’s OS, in a negative way, to redirect the narrative.
Because Microsoft cares so much about an 18.6K-member community called “linuxmemes” on a small federated Reddit alternative known for being filled with die-hard Linux fans and furries?
Because Microsoft cares so much about an 18.6K-member community called “linuxmemes” on a small federated Reddit alternative known for being filled with die-hard Linux fans and furries?
The company a corporation would hire to do that sort of thing would use a shotgun approach to the redirection postings. With bots it would be easy for them to do.
Ah, how could I have forgotten the legion of MSFT contract employees scouring… fucking… furaffinity for that sweet, delectable anti-Linux propaganda lmao
Ah, how could I have forgotten the legion of MSFT contract employees scouring… fucking… furaffinity for that sweet, delectable anti-Linux propaganda lmao
Because having bots backed by AI and a preset list of sites/forums to post to would be way too much of an effort and impossible to automate/do, right? /s
(And for the record, mentioning ‘bots’ for the second time now.)
Sure, because Linux is such a threat to Microsoft
verminfurries here?Careful of the venn diagram — if you’re talking to a member of a Linux community on Lemmy, chances are they aren’t anti-furry.
I will die on this hill. Their down votes mean nothing to me. I’ve seen what makes them cheer.
That’s what we call a conspiracy theory
That’s what we call a conspiracy theory
Why? You honestly don’t believe that corporations never try to manipulate the narrative/message for their benefit/profit?
Early Microsoft was well known for wielding the FUD factor.
I really doubt they’re wasting time astroturfing a Linux community on Lemmy. You’re not going to convince hardcore devotees with a meme.
I really doubt they’re wasting time astroturfing a Linux community on Lemmy.
A bots (not human) time is very easy to waste, and if your product is having problems right now, one of the first things corporations would do to protect their profits is to try to reshape the narrative away from the problems, from the negative final spotlight on your product.
And finally, as I’ve linked before in this conversation, Microsoft has a long history of using FUD.
You’re not going to convince hardcore devotees with a meme.
They’re not directed just towards the ‘hardcore the devotees’, they’re also directed at the person who’s considering moving, who’s trying to do some research about it, and does searching about it, and then finds the memes/communities.
Stopping potential switchers before they switch is a powerful thing to do to preserve your products/profits.
And if you do these memes/messages often, and if they send a certain message/narrative, you would definitely introduce FUD into the people who would consider moving to Linux.
Pay attention to the meta.
Could not be me. Not about the 🦊 part, but the failing to work part. The software fears me. The software knows it’s a cog in a machine, one that’s easily replacable. And I’m not one to get sentimental.
That’s so stupid, why am I laughing
Me after I spent a whole evening being unable to boot into grub after trying to get Wayland to work. Wayland will have to wait for a bit longer…
Yuppers. I need CUDA for my machine learning projects, both for hobby and professionally. I considered AMD and their alternative at the time, but it wasn’t supported on their consumer cards back then, and I also didn’t fully trust their commitment. It’s getting better though, so hopefully AMD can convince me for my next GPU in a few years.
Lol, I relate with this a lot.
I always figure it out, but Linux is not user friendly. The last issue I had was trying to get my vpn to work. It took me a few minutes to realize my vpn provider doesn’t support a gui on there.
This is the issue with Linux. It needs better support and adaptation. If it got that focus from third parties, I’d gladly make it my daily driver.
Here’s to hoping the attempts from companies like steam are only the beginning of a new thriving trend!
On my end, like –
I have about as many tech issues with Windows as with Linux – It comes with me enjoying tinkering as a hobby I think?
BUT, and this is important, when shit breaks on Linux, there is always output on the terminal, or a log file, or something else you can check, and even when I don’t know what to do about it, a simple copypaste of the error on internet search usually gets me some answers.
When shit breaks on Windows? HOLY FUCKING SHIT. It just sorta dies and leaves you in the dark with nothing to go on for troubleshooting. Windows wants to make computers into magic boxes that “just werk”, but it never really gets there, and instead what you get is something that breaks just as often, but is a lot more opaque.
That BSOD with an emoticon lives rent-free in my head. Like who the fuck thought it was a good idea?
Also, even when you actually get an error message (which you probably had to dig through the awful mess that is the event viewer… Seriously, the only update they’ve made to it in the last twenty years was to split a bunch of things into a ton of individual logs that are more than painful to dig through), it’s cryptic (if it tells you anything at all) and pasting it into search gives you nothing relevant, and quoting it gives you nothing at all (even the part that’s obviously the generic part of the error), or if it does, it’s a couple hits with people asking for help and either getting no replies, unhelpful replies that misunderstand the issue, or tells them they’re asking in the wrong Microsoft support forum
Like… Come on, Microsoft. You clearly coded this error in the operating system. Put at least one page in documents online with at least something useful about it…
The few times I had to use the Windows Event Viewer I left having learned - Uh - Nothing except a newfound hatred for Microsoft. It’s weird to navigate, and the logs are close to useless.
Application terminated due to internal error
The terminal is not an accessory like on Windows, it’s apart of the daily Linux experience
If Linux wants to ever have adoption outside tech people then it can’t be. If a normide has to open up a terminal then that’s already one less Linux user.
I have used Linux for my main PC for a very long time but I have also worked in tech support and your average user will never ever use an OS where using the terminal is mandatory.
I my opinion there should be some hobbyist distros where the terminal is your daily experience like Arch or Gentoo but the main focus should be accessibility for the average user if adoptability is a goal.
If you don’t like using the Terminal use Mint, but even this one require some basics terminal skills that everybody could learn fast. Linux is made this way.
Oh, there are tons of distros where you don’t need to use the terminal for anything, even Manjaro, an arch based distro, doesn’t need you to ever open the terminal. I was just saying that if adoption is the goal then using the terminal can’t be a requirement for a normal user experience.
Wrong example, Manjaro is probably the less stables distro i’ve tried, and thoses issues seems to be common when you look at the forum
What I mean is that using the terminal isn’t mandatory in Manjaro while Arch and Arch based distros all require it. So for that it’s an excellent example.
As for stability it’s a bit more stable than Arch itself from my experience but I still has issues. The most stable distro I have used was Pop OS, I didn’t have a single issue there for like 3 years straight, I only switched because of a hardware change and Pop OS’s Mesa version was unstable on the new hardware.
My central point is still that you will never in a million years get the average computer user to use a terminal.
If more casual PC users got on to it, i wouldn’t call it a daily experience. Yeah you need to use it some times but once everyone is set, you dont really need to mess with it
I switched to Mint a few months ago and to be fair I have only messed with it a couple of times mainly just after the initial installation
It shouldn’t be though. A command line interface is not user friendly for entry-level users, and until Linux UX designers realise this, Linux will never gain a greater market share. And we have seen this with Ubuntu, Mint, and other “user friendly” distros gaining popularity. I’m not saying that we should necessarily aim for broad-scale adoption of Linux as an end in itself, but more users means more support for Linux which means a better experience for all.
its only user unfriendly if youre used to having a gui for everything like windows and mac users in all reallity the real issue comes from children not being taught how to use computers growing up and instead relying on shitty non foss bloatware like windows
But that is the reality of most users today. They expect to have a GUI because it gives them the options right there, rather than having to go and learn what commands this particular system accepts. If you don’t cater to those users, like my parents, my friends, my grandparents, my teachers, and basically everyone I know who isn’t a computer nerd, and then expect them to “come to their senses” you will be very disappointed. Good design meets users where they’re at, it doesn’t expect them to “educate themselves.”
Stop with the fury stuff
Uh oh you’ve made people furious.
Y’know what? I’m gonna be even more of a furry now, just to spite you.