I get the feeling this is going to be so ass.
If they’d have announced this movie pre Borderlands 3 I might’ve had a bit of hope.
I thought it was a streaming show lol.
It looks like some suit said “Remember that bad Suicide Squad movie? Let’s do that again!”I feel like studios try to pitch Tv shows to streaming services and when that fails they just cram the script down into a single movie.
The second one was much better, in their defence
They’ve genderswapped Knoxx and had to create a man named Atlas to be the face of the corporation? what the hell are they even adapting? just an original story using names we know?
I was talking about this to my girlfriend when the first trailer dropped. Honestly they should have done an original story and named the movie borderlands 4. Make it cannon to the games and it would have fit perfectly with how absurd borderlands is. That way you can craft a bespoke story that fits in movie for instead of having to worry about adaptation.
Didn’t genderswap Knoxx… Apparently that’s his daughter.
Which is somehow worse.
Did he… have a daughter? I remember him being a very burnt out lonely man full of ennui, I guess in my head that meant he never had kids or married
Also that means this canonically takes place after Borderlands 1, but Atlas still has a presence on Pandora?
My plan is to watch Netflix’s Cowboy Bebop and follow it immediately with this to be able to properly scale how bad this will be.
You can throw in the mix the Dark Tower movie with Idris Elba and Matthew McConaughey. Oh god, how bad that one was…
Ok… so the movie looks like it will be… something.
But Gina Gershon fits at least. She was hilarious as Emilina Saffron in Psych
Gina Gershon is fantastic. She’s legit the best part of Showgirls. She played such a fun evil foil to the psychopathic Nomi.
The biggest problem about the casting is it feels like they chose people who are 20 years older than the characters they’re supposed to portray. And then you have Kevin Hart and Jack Black… Just, who is making these horrible casting decisions?
I’m not worried about jack black but I am about Kevin. I don’t think Kevin has the chops to pull of that character.
I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, this is going to be hot garbage on an August afternoon. I’m convinced this is going to be as closely related to the source material as the Wanted movie was.
That’s a lot of characters with a wide range of relevance to the Borderlands story. From Moxxi, all the way to… Atlas?
Can’t wait to see Borderlands bosses Krom and Knoxx on the big screen looking nothing like their in game counterparts.
And don’t even get me started on my main man Larry! Ooh! All the fun times I remember with… Larry…
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everyone complaining about, like, fidelity to the source material, lol? the writing in these games is hot garbage that is only tolerable because it’s stapled to a dopamine generator. the best thing they could possibly do is throw as much of it out as possible while still keeping enough of the IP to chisel a budget out of some feckless executive producer. just call jack black Mr Borderland and let him shoot a rocket out of a bus
I really did like borderland’s world building. IRL respawning. Human made megastructures on a cosmic scale, Mad max style raiders. But yeah the writing is raw ass.
There’s a character called Atlas like the company? WUT?
Ah yes. Netflix’s Guardians of the Galaxy.