Microsoft appears to be blocking even more apps for customizing the user interface in Windows 11 24H2. Users noticed that ExplorerPatcher joined the recently blocked StartAllBack app.
TLDR: StartAllBack, ExplorerPatcher and some other projects are being blocked on 24H2.
Gnome’s demented ideas make it into apps I run in KDE. I don’t need buttons, drop-down menus, and text input fields in my title bar lol. I’m lookin at you, LACT.
You don’t know what my KDE looks and acts like. I know exactly what your Gnome looks like because it’s not as customizable, they’re all extremely similar.
Gnome has amazing ideas, that’s why they’re so successful. If you don’t like the software that’s being provided to you for free, don’t use it.
And yes, we get it, you use KDE btw. How about you just accept that different people want different things and that FOSS developers are free to make what they want, and you’re free to not use it.
Gnome’s demented ideas make it into apps I run in KDE. I don’t need buttons, drop-down menus, and text input fields in my title bar lol. I’m lookin at you, LACT.
Look, I appreciate you want a Windows imitation, but not everybody does, ok
Gnome is copying windows by putting buttons on the title bar lol
Lol, no.
Just keep using your “but we have windows at home” imitation.
Look at the top left:![](
You don’t know what my KDE looks and acts like. I know exactly what your Gnome looks like because it’s not as customizable, they’re all extremely similar.
Looks like KDE. I don’t see any Gnome similarities.
You just stick to the Windows clone.
Gnome has amazing ideas, that’s why they’re so successful. If you don’t like the software that’s being provided to you for free, don’t use it.
And yes, we get it, you use KDE btw. How about you just accept that different people want different things and that FOSS developers are free to make what they want, and you’re free to not use it.
Well let’s not forget the corporate sponsorship from the biggest player in Linux, preferable release cycle, and preferable license back in the day.
That’s part of Gnome being a well-run DE, yes.