Obvious? It’s closed source software. You don’t know jack fucking squat what it’s really doing no matter what you think you know. Because you don’t. You won’t no matter what you think you know even if you think you’re a programmer. You didn’t program Windoze. GTFO from ALL closed source software, OR ELSE.
Is this some AI generated answer? I refuse to think a person can talk like that.
The “obviously” comes from the article which states that Microsoft allows uninstallilng software which obviously means they always could do that. They just didn’t want to allow users to do it.
Obvious? It’s closed source software. You don’t know jack fucking squat what it’s really doing no matter what you think you know. Because you don’t. You won’t no matter what you think you know even if you think you’re a programmer. You didn’t program Windoze. GTFO from ALL closed source software, OR ELSE.
Is this some AI generated answer? I refuse to think a person can talk like that.
The “obviously” comes from the article which states that Microsoft allows uninstallilng software which obviously means they always could do that. They just didn’t want to allow users to do it.
Fuck you. Jackass. Moron. Figure it out your damn self. I said enough. Fuck off.