Use reader mode in case of paywall. I recommend BBC article they’re linking to as well, even if slightly outdated by now.

    2 months ago

    You can’t cover a topic in 35-60 seconds, and not with enough nuance that some people won’t misunderstand something fundamental.

    In country X there are riots. Side A with side B has been clashing since Wednesday, there are N people killed and M wounded.

    That’s 30 seconds and all the nuance that’s needed. Next news

    many others won’t, and they’ll get their “facts” from TikTok just because you can ingest a lot of content in a very short time

    Then at least they know something is happening

    “Just one more funny cat video to boost my mood… It’s only 20sec long, and I can afford that in my schedule.” Replace “cat video and 20sec” with “pull and dollar,” and it sounds just like a gambling addict.

    You mean like 9GAG? Or TV being on non-stop? Or radio?

    When was the last time you can recall somebody committing arson over losing an app?

    I bet it’s happening all the time. It just doesn’t make the news until the next “game videos are causing violence”, “rock music makes you kill yourself”, “Harry Potter is satanism” etc becomes a hot topic to tie it to

    If you don’t know why something is happening, I guarantee somebody with an agenda will happily fill in the blanks for you.

    When it comes to current affairs there is no getting to real “why”. Any opinion on why is a personal spin. Are you really cross-checking all the sources referenced in 20 minutes video? If not, you are on the mercy of the talking head the same as in 30 secs. Thing is, if you spent on one POV 30 secs and then another few, it becomes apparent what is the fact and what is opinion. To do the same in long formats you have to spend a lot of time on one topic, where there are many happening around the world