Hmm. Ok, thanks. I’ll have to take a look again at what I think about the pricing
Hmm. Ok, thanks. I’ll have to take a look again at what I think about the pricing
I did and my response to that is that it’s very probable it would turn into something dysfunctional
Think what practices would result in more gains with such system in place. I’m afraid it might be churning out low value, highly hyped, hastily created games with paid reviews
But without it, there is no positive feedback for good games
Do you wish that you could recycle games?
No. The system is flawed, of course, but in the end game sells -> publishers see the genre/idea sells -> they are going to fund creating another one like that -> creators with ideas earn money
How strong we feel that publishers leech off creators is a valid point. But in the end that’s how it works right now
Maybe, if publishers and creators were getting some petty tax from each swap, that would enable recycling without killing the positive feedback for a good game. Or open another can of worms. Think what practices would result in more gains with such system in place. I’m afraid it might be churning out low value, highly hyped, hastily created games with paid reviews
Or maybe it’s a good business idea and it will revolutionize industry once someone puts up such a service
But, I think, implemented by the current big ones it would end up badly. It’s a flip of the whole business plan and they would cling to old ideas
Additionally, this idea would probably in practice look more like streaming does. A subscription to access with some “coins” for swapping. And we already see that streaming has negative effects on accessibility to older, niche movies and series
you know you’ve wasted however much money
I know that what I’m going to write doesn’t work for fighting games. But for the rest of them, wait until they are priced what you are comfortable spending based on howlongtobeat. Last night I binged on Citizen Sleeper that is on sale rn. 6hrs of good story for price of 1-2 beers. I usually don’t get back to games I’ve finished, so probably won’t be playing it ever again. But I still feel it was money well spent. And if it wasn’t that great, this price is not the amount I’d regret spending on a meh game
As I’m not shopping in US, maybe my search is faulty, but that’s one I’ve found:
Ok, but if performance really will be comparable to 4080, it seems that it will be much cheaper than more or less similar rx 7900 xtx. Or the latter will drop significantly
Sources I’ve found say ~600$. And I don’t get it. I just checked, 7900xtx costs 1.6k$ rn. If 9070 really is comparable to RX 4080, then they are going to sell it for +/- the current price of 7800XT?
I understand that it’s a different model that will not work for everyone. But check out Bandcamp’s payout model. Find new music via internet radio/MusicBrains (I don’t remember RN the name of music exploration based on that)/yt and buy it via the model that is straightforward and at least seems to put the most money in artists’ pockets
Bandcamp also has a “discover” feature where you can set which genres you are interested in. I did find some interesting albums this way too
Private owner like that will most probably just see it as investment. Buy low, replace workforce for fast revenue spike, limit provided service to milk it even more, sell before feedback loop hits. In bulk or piece by piece
The more I think about it, the less sense this graphic has
For some reason I also read “first” the first time I looked at the title
This is where the name relativity comes in. You have to think in terms of relative speed. Your speed relative to earth will indeed advance closer and closer to c but never reach it. There’s a bunch of really wild and crazy implications behind this.
ah, right. In a ship travelling with c, for someone outside the ship, I turn on the lights and observe the light to travel with c. For that external observer the light from my lamp travels at the same speed as my ship
My mind was already bent! ;)
It’s popular to think of those things as like crazy high G turns but they’re not. You’re just flying in a straight line through space time.
Soooo… Interstellar was wrong with all the shaking of the camera?
Are you on earth or is the ship in space accelerating at a constant rate? Again, there’s no way to tell. They are, physically, the same.
In case of accelerating ship, I wonder what would happen in local frame once you hit/get really close to c. You’d get decelerated out of nowhere? Just as if you hit something?
The understanding I got from school was that gravity might be some kind of force and basically one mass attracts other mass, like electric potentials do
Keep in mind, that was 20 years ago. Our understanding might have changed and tbh I wouldn’t expect a high school physics teacher to be on the bleeding edge of research in all physics fields
True. But that correction still doesn’t unbend my mind
As with any shared POV
I think it’s like racists. Whether one wants to be one or not is not tied with being one or not. That doesn’t mean they all have one secret handshake
So basically L before consonants is generally mute?
Wait… What? I’m not supposed to pronounce the l in salmon?
Exactly same as with a hammer ;)
Thanks :) I know the site. It does not operate here, and tbh I tend to re-search any part that I know the exact model I want to get anyway. Often shops that are not on shop-gathering sites have a tad lower prices