airline pilot
articled clerk of a limited company
assurance agent of a recognised company
bank or building society official
chairman or director of a limited company
commissioner for oaths
councillor - local or county
civil servant - permanent
director, manager or personnel officer of a VAT-registered company
engineer with professional qualifications
financial services intermediary, for example a stockbroker or insurance broker
fire service official
funeral director
insurance agent of a recognised company - full time
Justice of the Peace
legal secretary - fellow or associate member of the Institute of Legal Secretaries and PAs
licensee of a public house
local government officer
manager or personnel officer of a limited company
member, associate or fellow of a professional body
Member of Parliament
Merchant Navy Officer
minister of a recognised religion including Christian Science
nurse - registered
officer of the armed services
paralegal - certified, qualified or associate member of the Institute of Paralegals
person with honours - OBE or MBE
photographer - professional
police officer
Post Office official
president or secretary of a recognised organisation
Salvation Army Officer
social worker
teacher or lecturer
trade union officer
travel agent - qualified
valuer or auctioneer - fellow or associate member of the incorporated society
Warrant Officer or Chief Petty Officer
    4 months ago

    The history is long and ugly, but here’s the short version. The Home Office hates the BMA. UK doctors are frequent participants in judicial reviews, tribunal cases and applications for injunctions against the Home Office. Pesky cases like trying to prevent pregnant women being held in isolation at immigration removal centers or forcibly returning previously tortured refugees to the countries that . . . tortured them. The LAST thing the Home Office is going to encourage is more interaction with the BMA or the NHS.

    Just think about it . . the Home Office will take the word of your local publican over your GP. In what world is that normal???