As a GrapheneOS user, It would be nice if they made it available to their android platforms first.
RCS is not the future it’s just a WhatsApp like app included inside the messages app. Google servers, closed source, centralized…
It does work on GrapheneOS, but you need to have Google Play Services installed.
Google blocked it.
That is only on rooted roms and ones using MicroG. GrapheneOS is generally not rooted and uses Google Play Services by sandboxing it. I am using RCS on my Pixel 7 running GrapheneOS.
ALL my android buds (all 3 of them) would talk about RCS as the future, better than iMessage, proof that Apple is terrible for not having it and adding it.
So anyways my iPhone has RCS now and none of their androids do. Shocker.
Every android that has Google Play services has RCS, they just need Google Messages to use it.
Meaning they have to install another app.
At which point they’d just as soon install signal and have something better.
None of their phones come with a RCS enabled messaging app by default.
My iPhone on iOS 18 does however. Which is my point entirely.
Every modern android phone I’ve used comes with Google Messages by defualt.
They should have used something like the Matrix or Signal protocol, some open standard, as opposed to RCS, which you can only use on Android with two proprietary apps - Google and Samsung Messages.
RCS is the new MMS. It’s the official “text message” replacement.
It’s shit and until the standard becomes not shit, messages between Android and iMessage are still going to suck. Almost all the stuff people think is RCS are the proprietary Google extensions that only work through Google’s servers.
But they’re supporting it because it’s the next iteration of “texting” carrier wise.
Yeah, I would love to stop getting potato quality videos on MMS, but not enough to install a proprietary app. I’ll just have to create matrix accounts for more people.
Welcome to the party apple, we see you’re purposefully wayyy late yet again.
Not only do they have RCS, but they finally got USB-C across the iPhone 16 lineup!
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It was not an EU thing, it was a China thing.
It’s quite obvious as well looking back at it; if course China will mandate one of the weakest protocol with no end to end encryption.
Avoid RCS like the plague and use something more secure!
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Thanks EU for chat control 😁
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No but they should have not this idea
I hate the timing of that EU decision, because we’ll never know if Apple did the switch because of it, or because 10 years had passed since they promised 10 years of Lightning anyway.
Someone doesn’t read articles
You aren’t wrong, I just read the headline and the comments. However, my comment isn’t about anything in this article.
Oh yeah i know, I’m talking about articles in general. When the EU gave Apple the command to either comply or pack up, they initially expressed disdain before eventually succumbing.
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Might not be true, I read it back when they first announced USB-C, and I can’t find anything about it right now.
They switched to USB-C last year with the iPhone 15.
Yet apple being apple both the 15 and 16 non pro models are arbitrarily limited to USB 2.0
I can’t remember the last time I connected my phone to my computer via USB to transfer files. I bet the vast majority are the same.
More than likely, I’m sure a majority of iPhone users don’t care or even notice this. I personally would have loved to see the ability to add fast expandable storage to an iPhone over usb! I usually load movies, shows, podcasts and music on my phone since unfortunately there tends to be very limited connection to cell towers where I am.
I do not use any google products or services and would prefer not to have any of their shit on my phone, but at least I can send decent videos and pics to my friends who refuse to download signal now
Literally no one cares about RCS.
Not entirely true… the American Android users care about it; Apple users will still default to the superior iMessage as opposed to the inconsistent carrier dependant RCS; rest of the world will use geo-preferred third party messaging app that also offer consistent experience between carriers.
“Buy your mom an iPhone” people.
I can’t read that without this song popping into my head.
Not entirely true… the American Android users care about it;
Then I guess it’s nice for both of them that iOS will support RCS.
They do in the US, and you’re getting downvoted because of US defaultism.
But on a global scale, you’re right.
None of my android friends have RCS on their phone yet, but my iPhone does.
It’s more than likely that every single one of your Android friends have RCS on their phones.
I am absolutely positive none of them do, they show as sms and we keep using signal instead.
You having no clue is not the same thing as being absolutely positive.
my dude.
I have literally sat next to these people, just this past Saturday, and we were talking about just this BECAUSE our group chat for our game wasn’t “working” for us.
I know for an absolute certain fact that the three of them don’t have RCS, we all thought it was funny and moved on with our lives and switched to signal.
Idk why you’re so certain of something you’re otherwise totally ignorant to
I care, I can finally wifi text iPhone users who won’t use signal or even discord
Especially not discord you mean.
Any of my comms through these means have no security implications anyway. They would have gone through unencrypted sms before this, so idrc if discord or the feds would know my very limited plans with friends and family. I just care that my already unencrypted messages won’t take multiple hours to go through soon
Important to note those chats won’t be encrypted.
Ofc, neither was sms
Well I just bring it up because part of RCS is encryption, but there are a lot of asterisks and one of them is that RCS with Apple will never be encrypted.
It’s one of the main problems with RCS is that whether or not the chat is secure depends on the implementation and is dependent on sender and receiver, unlike iMessage where you know that when the chat bubbles are blue, your chat is encrypted.
IMO inconsistent encryption is worse than no encryption at all, due to the false sense of security.
I totally agree, I wish apple would have implemented it on their end. I’m just happy that my already unencrypted texts won’t take multiple hours to go through now
aww. does apple being forced to allow the newest messaging standard hurt you?
No, they’re mostly correct; basically no one except Android users in the USA cares. Everywhere else has it figured out with third party messaging platforms that’s geographically favored, and Apple users in USA will continue to use the superior iMessage protocol with each other. Only the Android users in USA are left out from sending/receiving messaging, so they’re salivating over the update like it’s the best thing since sliced bread.
RCS is janky, inconsistent, and carrier dependent. Can’t wait for Android users in the USA to join the better rest of the world. Until GSM consortium mandates end to end encryption and force all carriers to adopt certain version of consistent minimum, RCS is and will continue to be a garbage inferior protocol that should be avoided like the plague.
Doesn’t matter either way because everyone uses WhatsApp anyway.
RCS will never be able to compete with either because it’s a GSMA standard. Apple or Meta can think of a cool new feature, add it to their client and roll it out to all their users with the next update.
If they want to add a new feature to RCS, the GSMA (An organization with over 1500 members) will have to form a committee, they can then talk about their conflicting interestes for a few years before writing down a new version of the standard, then dozens of clients and servers at hundreds of different operators need to be upgraded before everyone can use the new feature. Due to this bullshit RCS will never be able to keep up.
WhatsApp is big outside the U.S. inside the U.S., I don’t know a single person who uses it.
Honestly, where I operate, almost nobody uses (outgoing) sms/mms - unless their phone has actual physical buttons on it. It’s all iMessage for those who can or something like Viber for those who can’t. I can’t see why anybody would take a step backwards to RCS when it offered nothing that we haven’t already been doing for years - and it’s apparently network dependant.
The fact that iPhones are getting this before Android phones without Google Play Services tells you all you need to know about the nature of RCS. Android has lost all of its intrigue and fun in favor of becoming GoogleOS