Well, it is a virus /s
Obviously it had spread to his mind from others so he was doing some antivirusing
Well, it is a virus /s
Obviously it had spread to his mind from others so he was doing some antivirusing
Linux desktop (well, laptop) since 2020, server since 2024
Idk about the latter, but Stardew Valley you can get from GOG or Steam for a pretty reasonable price, and it runs natively on Linux. You can transfer your save files between Windows, MacOS, Linux and Android for SDV, at least. If the second one you mentioned doesn’t have a native Linux version it should run through Steam through Proton. The website protondb can be used to find game compatibility.
You can from Android, but I don’t think you can access the app data on iOS.
I don’t usually like MMORPGs because I haven’t yet found one that hasn’t been spoiled with microtransactions and a toxic playerbase, so I just play Outside. I’m much more a fan of singleplayer, or multiplayer with friends games like Terraria, Stardew Valley, or Minecraft.
I just tapped the link in Voyager, using regular Firefox with UBO
Presumably VPNs and Tor still work. I often have to use those in areas where internet access is restricted. Sure, Italy shouldn’t be doing such stupid things, but we don’t have the power to change that, we have the power to create decentralised and people controlled system to give power back to us.
I played Minecraft blind for about a year as a child and didn’t get much done, to be fair, but I had lots of fun. Optimising stuff and beating the game sometimes takes the fun out of it.
Stardew Valley
The Witcher 3
Oh, I don’t care about what’s legal. At least with GOG there’s no DRM so it can’t physically stop me doing what I want with them.
I do own the games I bought from GOG, not the ones I licenced from Steam.
Yeah, works for me now too. Something must have been changed.
People simultaneously seem scared of AI automating jobs, and of there being too many old people for the young people to look after as they’d be too busy with their jobs. Wouldn’t those cancel each other out?
Failed to load media
You can try using the freecam mod if you don’t consider it too cheaty
Weird, I can only load the website over tor
You cannot sleep now; there are monsters nearby
Also related, is there a non-onion domain system that isn’t controlled by the government and big corporations but that unlike the onion allows for short, memorable names rather than long strings of random characters?