There’s a fork of Wordpress which still has the old editor, which looks fine to me. I don’t know anything about the people behind it though, and haven’t yet tried it myself.
There’s a fork of Wordpress which still has the old editor, which looks fine to me. I don’t know anything about the people behind it though, and haven’t yet tried it myself.
Boulderdash II on C64.
To clarify, the pompous part relates to “devote my energies to building up an audience”. But maybe it’s because I devote my energies to shitposting instead. On the other points I can get where you’re coming from.
I will never again devote my energies to building up an audience on a platform whose management can sever my relationship to that audience at will
I don’t know who this person is, but that seems a bit pompous.
I don’t think I’ve ever owned any version of Windows.
I read earlier “someone” were a couple of college students.
Companies only do things for their bottom line, not for customer demand. Also, if nobody would buy gas from Shell anymore, their gas stations would just have to be rebranded to something else. Behind the scenes the oil companies are all trading with each other.
In the Netherlands we now also have a “terugleveringstoeslag” where you have to pay a monthly fee based on the maximum peak power delivered to the grid over the year. At least, the bigger electrical companies already have it, the rest will soon follow. My coworker (who has way too many solar panels installed) got a letter from Essent that he had to pay 67 euros monthly starting October. So he switched companies, but he’ll have to figure out something else next time.
Odroid has some nice boards, though I find them pricey.
Depends of your view of a long history I guess, I worked with OSX 10.5 for a few years, every time I wanted to install something I had to update the OS first.
My actual opnion is that they don’t want to think if they should, because they know the answer. The pressure to go public with a shitty model outweighs the responsibility to the people relying on the search results.
LLM’s may not have any intent, but companies do. In this case, Google decides to present the AI answer on top of the regular search answers, knowing that AI can make stuff up. MAybe the AI isn’t lying, but Google definitely is. Even with the “everything is experimental, learn more” line, because they’d just give the information if they’d really want you to learn more, instead of making you have to click again for it.
This article gives the impression that most people who studied English literature are now considered to be doing some equivalent of flipping burgers.
Nah, we just need to crash Mercury into the surface of Venus, get the rotation sorted out and a moon going. After that, buildings.
That makes more sense to me, thanks.
As a Dutchman, do other countries not have rental places everywhere? Over here every diy store has a rental department, I’d guess this is universal?
But salary does not equal labour cost.
Funny is not an objective quality. The OP can find it hilarious, while you find it unfunny. You can always post something that’s funny to you.
Biggest decline in my country is because lease companies don’t like them in their fleet anymore; Musk has just randomly reduced prices in the past, making it difficult to estimate the remaining value at the end of the lease term. On the other hand business drivers used to have a generous tax exemption when driving an EV, which has been cut by our government. These drivers may now be better of driving an ICE. All in all this reduces the market share of Tesla drastically, since Tesla’s are almost exclusively used as company lease cars.