The problem isn’t having exclusives, it’s buying exclusives to punish customers, which Sony (and Xbox) does.
The problem isn’t having exclusives, it’s buying exclusives to punish customers, which Sony (and Xbox) does.
… Nintendo literally personally develops their exclusives, let’s not pretend that’s an apples to apples comparison.
Xbox is absolutely terrible at buying exclusives though, yes. Worse than Sony, arguably.
A massive, massive astroturfing campaign Epic Games paid for in hopes of tarnishing Valve and Gabe Newell’s reputation to try and bolster their failure of a shop ecosystem.
Unfortunately, it worked, because there are people on the net who don’t remember the and days before steam, or even the initial versions of steam that people had Actual problems with, and not just made up ones.
CCGs hasn’t had a massive, massive Epic Games-paid astroturfing campaign against valve/steam like ‘lootboxes’ has. That’s the difference.
Why are you pushing this guy to replace the non-working spy unit with a WORKING spy unit?
uh… ok? So now it’ll be controlled by someone who DOES want to be the next Musk or Zuckerberg?
I mean, that’s kind of my point though. You either get worse than useless, over detailed to the point of useless, or you have to spend weeks pulling hacky crap with tags to try to jury-rig your own useful billing system out of their clusterfuck.
Amazon’s billing tool is the most useless thing I’ve ever seen lol. it’s like “$XYZ of your bill was server compute!” like, there’s 40 ec2s, elastic beanstalk instances, fargate, kubernetes, like what the fuck is ‘server compute’ and what’s the breakdown of the actual individual parts?
It’s not even unhelpful, it’s literally worse than useless lmao
The other thing they forgot to mention is that getting Amazon to actually tell you what anything will cost, or a breakdown of what your bill is, is like pulling teeth.
If you think Mozilla is the canonical of browsers, you’ve been consuming too much of Google’s anti-mozilla propaganda after they announced v3 manifest.
If you’ve noticed, they’re doing everything they can to make him look less attractive. Shitty aspect ratios, bad white balance, editing the picture, terrible focal lengths…
They’re scared. It’s hilarious, because they’re so blatantly obviously scared.
since the server validates everything anyway
Oh you sweet summer child.
The server doesn’t validate shit, because that takes up CPU cycles on THEIR hardware, which costs them money. A huge part of kernel level anticheat is forcing YOU to pay the cost for anticheat, so they can squeeze a few more pennies out of it. And if your computer gets owned because they installed insecure, buggy malware on your system…? Well, they’ll just deny. After all, it’s kernel-level, how are YOU going to prove anything?
He made $12000 off each fired employee.
What? FF14 is currently running laps around wow’s sub numbers, wow hasn’t been the most active MMO available since before bfa and the bootlicking cratered it.
Yeah, you enjoy your day and your strawman arguement you ‘won’ against as well.
Also, c’mon, their criticism of this decision in the sentence just before it heavily implies that.
That’s literally not how that works, and you even agree in the paragraph above this one. Why are you even arguing about this?
As for twitch’s working conditions, it’s a company ran by amazon, with management by amazon, so it has a lot of the same problems. From what I understand, the hours are shit, everything is a metric that’s impossible to meet, you’re constantly at risk of being laid off, a lot of the management are jackasses, and it’s very much a bunch of little fiefdoms trying to flex their position and abuse any amount of power they can.
Like, I can sum it up as simply as “Know how terrible twitch mods are? Imagine working for one.”
Not quite as bad as the conditions working in an amazon warehouse, sure, but still not something anyone should have to put up with. Regular inhuman working conditions with a focus on gaslighting and abuse, as opposed to an amazon warehouse’s egregiously inhuman working conditions which are focused more on physical abuse.
They’re talking about the working conditions in general, which are indeed deplorable. They’re not saying this specific act is proof of it, or even an example of it.
Reading comprehension, dude.
Yes, absolutely. Constantly, in fact.
Rust the language is great.
Rust the community makes me hate rust, never want anything to do with it, and actively advise people not to use Rust. Your community is so, so important to a programming language, because that’s who makes your documentation, your libraries, fills out the discords, IRC, and mailing lists. As a developer, any time you’re doing anything but rote boilerplate zombie work, you’re interacting with the community. And Rust has a small, but extremely vocal, section of their community that are just absolute shitheads.
Maybe in 5-10 years when the techbros stop riding its’ dick and go do something else will Rust recover its reputation, but for now? Absolutely no.
Google is spending a lot of cash to make Firefox look bad so people are unmotivated to change away from Chrome when manifest v3 is fully rolled out.
lol. lmao, even.
Monolithsoft was three separate offices- Nintendo bought two of them, which were both already working exclusively as a Nintendo second party, and the third was dissolved during the Bandai-Namco merger due to the fact that Namco was treating them like shit after Nakamura retired and the merger was the last straw. Monolithsoft is one, if not the only, exception to Nintendo staying out of buying companies, and Iwata has even commented on it only happening because Sigiuira basically asked them to, and it not being something they want or like to do.
As for Bayonettas since 2, Nintendo’s publishing it for PlatinumGames, who used to be a Nintendo second party. They started working with Sega in 2008 iirc because Nintendo literally pointed Sega their way (This is the same time period when Nintendo was giving Sega work to try to dig them out of their hole, e.g. Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games). My understanding is that internally Nintendo still considers PlatinumGames a second party dev, despite Sega publishing several games for them.
You can decide if those are exceptional cases or something as bad as Sony, but I know where my vote lies.
Probably, yeah.
Then don’t? Going to completely uninvolved third parties and snapping them up to hoard their IPs, or simply outright paying them to not publish elsewhere (coughepiccough) should always be indefensible. Xbox is worse, but Sony is still real bad about this shit, and Epic is worse than all of them.