Care to share how you disabled every bit of AI in the phone?
Yet companies are manipulating survey results to justify the FOMO jump to AI bandwagon. I don’t know where companies get the info that people want AI (looking at you Proton).
I maintain the DNS plugin for Vultr and I can say that it’s “safe”, but if you’re worried you should check their source code.
I believe it’s easier to have a vulnerability in the external provider’s API (for example, caddy-dns/vultr uses govultr) than Caddy. But I wouldn’t take things for granted if I was skeptical about these plugins.
I have a k3s cluster for fun and I can admit that k8s is way too complicated.
I don’t want to dig hours through documentation to find what I’m looking for. The docs sometimes feel like they were written for software devs and you should figure part of the solution yourself.
I have a ExternalName service that keeps fucking up my cluster everytime it restarts, bringing down my ingresses, because for some reason it doesn’t work and I have no idea where to look at to figure out why it doesn’t work - I just end up killing the service and reapplying the yaml file and it works.
I had to diagnose why my SSL certificates would get stuck in “issuing” in cert-manager, had to dig through 4 or 5 different resources until I got to an actual, descriptive error message telling me that I configured my ClusterIssuer wrongly.
I wanted a k3s cluster to learn but every time I have issues with it I realize it’s a terrible idea.
I wish I had podman + compose but it does seem like a docker-compose is more complicated. Also, I wish I could do ansible but I have no idea where to start (nor how it works).
EDIT: oh yeah I also lost IPv6 support because k3s by default doesn’t enable v6 and I was planning on using Hetzner CCM to have a 2 node cluster until I realized Hetzner Networks don’t support v6.
Can you use CrowdSec to track logs from a k8s pod? Say I have my website and some other services hosted on a k3s cluster, do I need to spin up a new pod for CrowdSec or should it be installed on the host?
I guess Wifi 6 doesn’t work in 5GHz band?
The VPN bandwidth doesn’t need to be that good, I was checking the GL iNet models and 200 Mbps on WireGuard is enough for me.
I found Tailscale/Headacale way more difficult to setup than Wireguard.
I tried 5 different credit cards to setup my account and none of them worked for the free tier. Contacted customer support, they simply said “well we can’t do anything about it, it’s clearly a problem in your end and not ours even though you tried 5 different credit cards to pay for the service”.
My issues with Samsung nowadays is that they offer a very low TBW warranty compared to other brands like Kingston.
I wanted to buy a 1TB storage for my games and I couldn’t decide between Samsung and Kingston. Samsung had a 600TBW warranty for the 1TB model, Kingston had 800. I ended up choosing the KC3000 from Kingston.
It’s still not an excuse to just ignore the security update because you might not be a target for hackers.
Just check your logs, there’s probably a dozen or more requests trying to access wordpress pages on your server, or login via SSH. They want to take over your server so it can be part of a botnet.
I think so, but if you check the official image you can definitely find out how to include custom plugins in it. I think the documentation might mention a thing or two about it too.
You can install the log transformer plugin for Caddy and have it produce a readable log format for fail2ban:
I had this setup on my VPS before I moved to a k3s setup. I will take a look at how to migrate my fail2ban setup to the new server.
Do you have to do this every time you update your phone?