Yea it’s pretty garbage. No mention of MS having culpability for breaking it. Just blame the victim and sweep the game under the rug.
Yea it’s pretty garbage. No mention of MS having culpability for breaking it. Just blame the victim and sweep the game under the rug.
Delist the game that’s been out since 2017 and already bought by 10 million people! Genius! The update point has already been clowned on by plenty of others in the thread, so I won’t relitigate that. But wow dude, delisting is so smart. Like, if 10 million people with the game can’t access what they paid for that’s way better for consumers.
What a profound observation. Paperwork isn’t flesh. Amazing. What’s your point?
They do have the resources, they also have the expectation they won’t need to waste them on dumb shit MS breaks.
Ubisoft IS the consumer of MS products. But I guess your sympathies for consumers is only skin deep.
It ran fine since 2017 and got blindsided by MS. Anyone blaming Ubisoft is biased af, or has information not included in this article.
Hopefully that means we don’t get another Tiny Tina
I had some pretty wild (heh) graphical glitches on popos that made it unplayable. Wasn’t able to figure out a fix before the beta ended. It loads though, and multiplayer should work, so looks good for full release.
Yea I’m not a huge fan, but it does highlight that if not for external pressure twitch would have ignored it.
You’re of course referring to twitch banning the entire country of Israel from signing up to their platform for the past year.
I’ve got prime but I’ve never even heard of amazon music before.
Some people say indifference is worse than hate, but that probably doesn’t apply to graphs.
I’ve just spent the last 6 hours troubleshooting steam input on 3rd party flatpaks, also alacarte has a bug that doesn’t let you save property changes, also I can’t use vim as root anymore for some reason I don’t care to look into, also symlinking some of my media was a pain. Band-aid solutions have been found for the first 3 and the last was me being an idiot and not having a GUI solution to symlinks because Nautilus is arse compared to ms file explorer.
I fucking hate pop-os and flatpaks, cosmic launcher is a pile of junk, and my 4k monitor has created an infinite amount of scaling issues to work through.
Windows was a slow burn of minor inconvenience, Linux is a series of kicks in the nuts.
Bold of you to assume I know how to read!
I haven’t played this so take my 2 cents with a pinch of mixed metaphor.
My assumption for this game was that DLC would be new copy pasted outposts, weapons, etc. That’s the way a lot of procedural games go. It’s not bad really, you take a good core game and pump it full of new set pieces and toys til hell freezes over.
Wow a real life ROFLCOPTER…
Oh yep, and someone calling them a loser for saying it. Classic.
In April, a group of people in a red Tesla driving through the Moroccan desert were glued to the odometer on the car’s giant touch screen. “Two million, Hans! Two million,” exclaimed the front-seat passenger to the owner and driver, Hansjörg von Gemmingen-Hornberg.
Ah, it’s gonna be one of those fluffy wanker articles.
Also paywalled.
So lame.
Recall analyses each screenshot and uses AI or whatever to add tags to it. I’d assume that’s what the NPU is used for.
Bonus points if the lumberjack doesn’t specify what logs they want or how to get them.
I think MS should fix it, that’s my only position. I don’t care what Ubisoft does because they didn’t break it. Their reputation can only improve from this set of facts. Doing nothing is a neutral act, and developing a patch is a positive.
Idc about your buggy checklist app.