I mean in the future it’s a possibility I’ll be fucking Zendaya but that doesn’t mean it’s reality now does it?
See picture.
I mean in the future it’s a possibility I’ll be fucking Zendaya but that doesn’t mean it’s reality now does it?
History doesn’t repeat. It rhymes.
Buckle in kiddo it’s gonna be a fun couple of decades if we survive it.
What’s funny (or sad) is that 100 years from now this will be looked at the same was as when Ford or IBM supported the Nazis. Their business won’t hurt long term and Tim Apple will be long dead.
IANAL but I do believe in some places not only is an apology and admission of guilt but it can also be used against you
Just watched this last night and like the first it’s a genuinely enjoyable popcorn horror.
What I hate is the goddamn monster. It’s stupid. Personal opinion works much better as an unknown but that’s really my only gripe.
I loved the scene with the dancers and them fighting here it was so creative.
CLI is love. CLI is life.
Same but I blame work. My surface tablet at home is vanilla windows professional and memory usage is fine with 16gb.
That said I don’t use Chrome at home and Chrome is absolutely insane with memory consumption
Suffer like G did?
History doesn’t repeat but it sure as shit rhymes!
SKISSUE says chat lol
You need the context. He’s an illegal immigrant yes but he’s also rich and white from an area of the world where he was probably raised with a sense of entitlement being Afrikaans from South Africa. When he was growing up black people were essentially a slave class and like many rich white people his family profited in part off of that.
So keep in mind he’s the “right” type of illegal immigrant.
And AMD won the console wars
If it’s anything like my work and their RTO a few things.
So expect quality at Amazon to decline. It may not be outwardly visible but mark my words for those that are still there it will devolve into a chaotic shit show of overworked employees that are left backfilling work for those who left and the incompetence that came in.
I mean I understand his sentiment but the system is working exactly as defined. When he says stuff like Facebook, Apple, Microsoft used to work it’s not for a lack of trying. Their MO has not changed since the 80’s. What has changed is the ability to execute on their MO.
The companies are fine. The problem is societal. Hackers ain’t gonna fix shit.
I went in with no intentions of it being good and no need for a prequel or rehash of the G1 timeframe I grew up loving dearly and subsequently watching my oldest son fall in love with the same G1 franchise and original 1986 movie gave me so much warmth.
I did not see this movie for me in any way. I’m old and jaded and can wax poetic about the 1986 movie for hours. I have gone on record at times saying it’s the best movie ever made.
That said, T One was the movie I never knew I needed.
47 year old dude who saw it Friday night with my 14 year old son. We are both G1 fans and rank the 1986 movie as the best on by far. This new movie is now the second best Transformers movie ever animated or not.
I was extremely hesitant to see it because I didn’t know what to expect and I was expecting it to be marketed to kids. I think they fumbled the marketing for the movie. It’s a damn good movie.
First problem is she’s expecting a right boob like me to review her pull request. Second problem is I don’t give a shit.
I’m sure this is a joke but Ubuntu is Debian at the core.
I’m calling it right now. Mark my words Minecraft will move to a subscription model in the near future.
The superior Dune IMHO. Yes I know it’s extremely flawed. I don’t care.