My main complaint with how Gnome does stuff is in environments where it is the only option (e.g. RHEL).
My main complaint with how Gnome does stuff is in environments where it is the only option (e.g. RHEL).
The backend dev has seen into the depths of COBOL and JCL that keep the world from imploding.
And the code looked back.
I’m working on it. Just waiting till Christmas.
Here are some cool/memorable games:
My opinion of Alien 3 went up a lot after watching all the movies that came after it.
This is a great answer.
Perhaps the solution is to figure out how to update without restarting. It is a hard problem, but a forced restart is the same as a crash from a user perspective.
I inject myself with beans every morning, usually French press
I have this exact problem.
Edit: nvm, found the solution
I’ve been using Void Linux for my home server for a few years now. It uses runit instead of OpenRC, and I haven’t had any problems with it. I would recommend the glibc version over the musl version.
Got 1 VM using KVM (Home Assistant), about a dozen docker containers, and a couple of services running on their own.
Because less ports equals less cost.
If you hate the taste of scrum give SAFe a try! (but really, please don’t)