or Edge which fully supports Manifest V2
Still a very green banana.
or Edge which fully supports Manifest V2
archive, archive, archive
got a 30tb library currently and every time a drive goes down we replace with a drive that is bigger
Open up the “Registry Editor” Program
Navigate to: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Google\Chrome
With the Chrome folder on the left highlighted, select Edit/New/DWORD (32-Bit Value)
or, if you prefer, on the right side of the screen in a BLANK SPOT, you can RIGHT CLICK New/DWORD (32-Bit Value).
Name it ExtensionManifestV2Availability and hit enter.
Right click what you just created (ExtensionManifestV2Availability) and click Modify. Set the Hexadecimal value to 2, and click OK.
You’re done, but check your work by opening Chrome, and pasting chrome://policy in the URL Address bar and hit enter. You >
should see the ExtensionManifestV2Availability policy, and the value should be set to 2. If you don’t see it, click “Reload Policies” > and/or review your work.
Political party
Republican (1987–1999, 2009–2011, 2012–present)
Other political
Reform (1999–2001)
Democratic (2001–2009)
Independent (2011–2012)
just to both party this Trump also donated to Democratic causes on top of funding Republican causes including Harris
old news but there is new news on this topic
Every sperm is sacred, every sperm is great.
If a sperm is wasted, God gets quite irate.
they built another deathstar right? the first one was completed and fully operational before the rebels destroyed it and the second one was still being built when it was blown up
the first death star was manned by the imperial army only people on board were stormtroopers dignitaries imperials so when they blew it up no problem evil punished
the second time around it was not even done being built yet was still under construction job of that magnitude would require a hell of lot more manpower than the imperial army had to offer
bet they brought in independent contractors in on that thing plumbers aluminum siders roofers
in order to get built quickly and quietly they would hire anyone to do the job you think the average stormtrooper knows how to install a toilet main
all they know is killing in white uniforms
all those innocent contractors brought in to do job are killed casualties of a war they had nothing to do with
alright look you’re roofer some juicy government comes your way you got a wife the two kids in suburbia
this is a government contract with all sort of benefits and along come these left wing militants and blast everything in a three mile radius with their lasers
they did not ask for that they had no personal politics they were just trying to scrape out a living
same with all modern pcie 4.0 or higher gpus
rebar is now standard
deleted by creator
we only started these restores a year ago and when we did all the main distros and others were tested and researched on for this project
ultimately Arch was chosen due to pacman and the AUR repositories plus steam was using it
the shop packed the install with what they deemed universally needed packages including edge for the browser
most patrons do like the familiarity that it provides and edge allows for office365
a lot of us were super skeptical on this when we were told and had a lot of the same reservations but it has turned sales around one hundred percent though with a lot of ewaste saved
the oldest was a centrino laptop from 2007 had the original hdd in it
the patrons either use the console and update themselves or they bring it back for updates with some watching us do the updates then doing it themselves at home
linux has made computers fun again at least at our place
our pc shop restores older machines with Arch Linux using the Gnome desktop for fifty out the door and comes with a new SSD
out of all the calls we receive on jobs we have already completed Windows has more phone time and questions out of the box than Linux which surprised us
and as for troubleshooting or walking patrons through simple things Linux has been easier for them to manage and us to explain over the phone even when having to pull the console up
talking people with little to no experience with computers some being fresh beginners
the US thinks if it fixes a problem that all fifty states have but only fix it in a handful of states that it has solved the problem one hundred percent
meanwhile the citizens go “We have to start somewhere this is a great thing!” and the leaders never get criticized sometimes the opposite people vote them back in
then that is all you hear until the issues reach critical because everything was quarter assed at best
this is how abortion, cannabis, all kinds of insurances, education, food assistance, etcetera already are played in the US
and at that point the citizens and the states are to blame for why things suck so hard
“well they should have voted better over there it is their faults that state sucks!”
which drives us further from solutions
our minimum wage is $7.25, no universal health care, the cops are militarized and keeping citizens in their proper places, food/ housing costs are more than our pay, transportation costs have skyrocketed, the postal service needs attention, we have fifty states not working together
but we showed that China TikTok what for BY GOD! they ain’t gonna spy on us
how do we magically get goods to and from?
grocery store trips?
what about other items from the store such as TVs?
what about families?
have you seen what is required daily or weekly for a baby?
what about a Micro Center trip?
not intelligent to be able move people and objects around?
travel over 3,000 miles every few months for work out of state and could not see myself in that taking naps at a rest stop comfortably
with such out of touch comments the petrol conundrum may never be solved
why is it the US is hellbent on making everything a state by state issue but at the same time saying federal law is above state law in such cases like Texas but states with legal cannabis or states with legal abortion are allowed to be above federal
is the US the United States or not
make it make sense
pc shop here
BitLocker has caused several phone calls and most of the time a new drive (depending on the integrity of the current drive) and a fresh windows install is the only fix and that usually exposes bad or outdated hardware complicating things more
but that would make a less malleable population that is harder to contain and control