Admittedly didn’t look to closely, but weren’t they the ones funding the third party investigation group? Seems like conflict of interest, I mean those findings would seem legit if the third party was agreed to by both sides.
Admittedly didn’t look to closely, but weren’t they the ones funding the third party investigation group? Seems like conflict of interest, I mean those findings would seem legit if the third party was agreed to by both sides.
I can’t get over the UI, in sure it’s good like with Dwarf Fortress, but I would ask how long it took you to feel like you had a bearing on what was going on/fun?
Rise of nations is also really good. Is like Civ in RTS form.
Monday stand-ups are the worst
Time to change your name from Patel to Smith
Most news sites nowadays are absolute cancer on mobile with 20% of screen being the actual content. Is pay of the reason why nobody actually reads articles and go straight to the comments
How does conversation context work though? Is that memory not a form of learning?
There is an end goal apparently. But in my 40+ hrs played, never been able to build a spaceship. So In practice, yea that’s about right.
It’s Celestial, so sayeth Steve
What’s wrong with slack?
The “anonymous” survey asked this question with two choices: I agree or I’m looking for opportunities elsewhere
Nobody is saying what they are doing is illegal. And complaining is what people do to vent, you don’t have to read it.
It’s seems par the course for Amazon to just treat employees as disposable, and they’ve burned so many regions’ working populations’ proverbial bridges that I recall LTT highlighting an article saying Amazon can’t find people to employ because they’ve already cycled through everyone.
Anecdotally, I’m suddenly getting recruiters from AWS asking to interview me, and it all makes sense now. They want to replace the remote workers with new people who don’t complain. Fuck that, and fuck them if they think people should be apathetic to this strategy.
I’m in jail because I was not in the sudoer file
That would piss off the voting base that actually votes though
Probably the same people who use git cli instead of ide plugin equivalents
Well, don’t think their IT positions are competitive when it comes to salaries, compared to major tech companies. Also considering their offices are in Vancouver, you probably aren’t going to work their to make bank.
It’s a bit of a selection bias out of necessity…
Well run cost center departments don’t boost quarterly results, ergo they are deprioritized.
They are looking out for themselves rather then the company, because of the incentives in place.
We are living in weird times where stock price doesn’t really correspond with company health, so their actions reflect against that metric against all others.
Even bulldozer?
Not saying that, they could still fund them, but it would have to be an third party that both sides agree to