In what sense is DuckDNS unreliable?
If you are a student, you should be able to organize with some of your classmates or friends.
Also, maybe consider LanguageTool instead of Grammarly, at least it’s not fully closed source.
That’s the thing, for me, it’s too much money every month for a one-time setup and maybe 15 minutes maintenance every 3 months. But if you feel it’s still worth it, go for it.
I understand. But that should make you automatically realise that you should give that old fat/broken laptop a chance to be plugged into your TV. Put a 10 $ remote mini keyboard there and no one will touch the TV interface again.
I can understand if you want to pay. But don’t say it’s hard to block ads when all you need is uBlock origin installed… And that’s it. It’s literally a 15 seconds job for the rest of the life of your browser.
I’m afraid to tell you that your e-book deDRMing is very much considered piracy. 😅
Piracy is easier than ever IMO. 20 years ago it was messy, and full of viruses and fake content. Nowadays there’s plug&play pirate services with refined content.
There’s so much people in the world today convinced that their subscriptions are worth it that I think they’ll let pirates coexist in peace, because they know pirates wouldn’t pay for it anyways.
Damn why no one told me about this??
Not really, most of the AUR points to the official source. And in this particular case, the actual Proton team was actually managing the AUR package.
Aint the official one
Will check that out
Doesn’t exist anymore in the AUR
It doesn’t even exist anymore, you are probably using something old.
It’s a shame that Proton VPN has no official flatpak. The Arch Linux AUR package’s been broken for a long while now.
Link us to one of these examples, it doesn’t seem that hard to get
I don’t now about numbers, but quality-wise… It’s another world.
Not my experience so far with my single service I’ve been running for a year. It’s making me even think of opening up even more stuff.
I support this idea. Moving is the perfect opportunity to classify your stuff into useful and wasteful, specially clothes, shoes, and some older electronics. Recycle and donate.
Also, if you have a phone you can turn any document into a digital one, find manuals online and trash the paper ones, etc.
It’s amazing when you suddenly feel lighter, and you didn’t know you had all that psychological weight on you.