I usually only listen to one album at a time, front to back. But I think most people don’t do that.
I usually only listen to one album at a time, front to back. But I think most people don’t do that.
I switched back to Manjaro today and I agree.
The Talos Principle was such a great game! I think I’ll play it again before buying part 2
I’ve been on Linux exclusively for over 5 years now. I’m starting to struggle with some Windows stuff that I just forgot how to do. But also I’m still shit at Linux. It just works so well that I never really had to learn what’s under the hood.
There is a lot of software that only runs on Windows that has no viable alternatives. For private use, the vast majority of people would be fine without Windows, but so many professional applications require it.
Sanchez all the way, I used to store one or two in every garage
I’m really happy with KDE, I love how customizable it is and I also mostly prefer KDE software. Gnome is cool, but it’s not for me.
But I’ll give Fedora Workstation a shot, thanks!
Do you use Fedora Workstation or Silverblue? Is the KDE version fine to use? I’m pretty tempted to switch, I just want a reasonably up to date system that doesn’t get in my way.
Not recourse hogging like KDE
KDE has been hogging no resources for ages now, it’s really snappy even on not so powerful machines!
You really do! There are so many goosebump moments in the story!
“I led them to the light. I alone.” I’m getting goosebumps just writing that down. The moment you finally hear him say it in-game after reading it on the loading screens all the time. It all comes together in the end.
I’m on my fourth playthrough right now, Enderal is my favourite video game ever I think.
We run a lot of Windows servers for specialized applications that don’t really have viable alternatives. It sucks, but it’s the same reason we use Windows clients.
I’m playing the resident evil 4 remake right now and it’s amazingly good. Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition also comes to mind.
Just like the EU, California does a lot for global customer protection.
World building and storytelling are top notch.
I personally found the gameplay a little lackluster here and there. Even on the hardest difficulty, I never really had to use potions for example. And looting never felt good to me, it feels very Diablo-esque in that you keep finding a sword that does +2 damage to your previous one. It rarely feels meaningful to loot anything.
Still an amazing game of course.
it was a really interesting video with a lot of effort and research put in
Like all of Alec’s videos :)
It’s just a re-brand, really. Blue bird instead of red robo-dog.
Steam Controller and Steam Deck converted me to controller. Trackpads and touch activated gyroscope are complete game changers. I still can’t play first person games with a thumbstick though.
I’m a little weird like that, I often listen to the whole discography if I find a single song or album I like. My music knowledge is very deep and but rather narrow