This is a good reason for static linking. All the dependencies are built into the binary, meaning it is more portable and future proof.
We don’t need flatpak for this!
This is a good reason for static linking. All the dependencies are built into the binary, meaning it is more portable and future proof.
We don’t need flatpak for this!
They have also had this issue open for 20 years.
And this amounts to just allowing the user to specify a different directory for Firefox on Linux (~/.mozilla is terrible).
Frankly unacceptable.
Yes. ~/.mozilla. Its annoying.
You can fix it with a hack by putting a shell script in your path (before the original firefox) that consist of:
HOME='/home/engywuck/.local/share/firefox' /usr/bin/firefox
Call that instead of the original firefox from now on. it will create the “librewolf” folder in ~/.local/share and chuck its junk in there.
Edit: This bug has been open for TWENTY YEARS.
Honestly ridiculous.
I’ll take a program that isn’t getting updates anymore or simply wasnt working in my modified environment using slightly more ram and storage over it not working at all.
I have firsthand experience with videogames made for one flavor of Linux not working on my machine due to dependency hell.