I feel the power surging through me, TOTAL CONTROL OF THE UNIVERSE IS WITHIN MY GRASP!
I feel the power surging through me, TOTAL CONTROL OF THE UNIVERSE IS WITHIN MY GRASP!
Ahh well in that case, it makes perfect sense. I’ll take 4000 shares.
Now why, (me doing a Jack Benny impression): why, ya see - why would I go and buy stock in a company that hated everything I ever posted, and then banned me for saying that progessive thought is a good thing. I ask you.
I totally agree, anything that takes people’s eyes off the road is not a good choice to put into cars. Cars may have more safety features than ever, but let’s face it, drivers are still too easily distracted and too careless. Here in Utah we have so many highway fatalities every day, people driving the wrong way on freeways, and speeding around school buses with their stop signs out. There’s no good fix for “stupid.”
I was just exaggerating the way that the moon landing was presented to us back in 1969. If you weren’t there you probably wouldn’t understand how ‘without a hiccup’ was exactly the way it was presented to us. I’m sure there were hiccups on a grand scale, but they were mostly kept from the public.
Read it however you wish, makes no never mind to me at all.
They aren’t doing as great as they hoped, that’s all. Disney isn’t hurting for money, every day people spend billions in their parks. Yes they aren’t having cinematic triumphs, but that isn’t the only source of their income.
I was being a little facetious, as in, they made it SEEM like it was effortless and no hiccups. I remember watching it all on TV, it did have more than few hiccups, but they packaged as if it was all seamless and “meant to happen.”
Sad but true. I only hope it happens because, I want my moon mansion and moon maidens.
Well maybe that was the big difference after all. I’m not saying the moon landing didn’t happen, only that it’s weird we could do it back then - when you’d think we would’ve come farther and closer to doing it again by now.
I certainly want to see us not just return to the moon but go farther and farther.
“X” permanently banned me when I posted a comment saying that education and progress are good for people. Now I’m banned for life. That was just wayyyyyyy to “leftist” a thing for me to say I guess. Which is why I see my ban from X as a big accomplishment - you know you’ve told the truth when it makes people angry enough to ban you.
I get that, I didn’t mean to sound like I was disagreeing with you. Just making a comment in general about weaponization of everything. I would hope that we value outer space as a peaceful frontier and not a place to blow each other up.
if I ever needed proof that human beings are totally evil, all I need is the horror of ransomware to speak for me. How worthless we are as a race when we infect computer networks and hold them for ransom. About the most foul and perverse thing any human could ever do to another.
Disney’s not hurting. They just posted bigger profits than ever this past year and expect to exceed that by several billion this year.
The idea of weaponizing space…UGH, what a phenomenal proof that human beings don’t deserve to continue as a race. What a complete sewer we’ve made of everything we touch.
Yet somehow we effortlessly went to the moon and back again in 1969 with absolutely no hiccups and pretty good TV imagery, even though we can’t broadcast from halfway around the world today without interference, and we can’t figure out how to get to the moon - somehow we magically did it all in 1969. What a time it was to be alive back then.
That’s true and I’m amazed it still is computing away (or would be if I had it set up right now). I have a newer computer and it’s the standard windows PC thing, and I really don’t enjoy it as much as I enjoyed my old Mac. There was a lot of weird stuff on Mac computers, games and things that were so out there. And most of them *(even ones that should be for PC also) don’t run on my newer system.
Yeah good question. What do I do with my Apple PowerMac from back in the day? I’ve held onto it because, well - I like it. But I really don’t use it for any actual computing - mostly to play old Mac games and watch Star Trek screensavers (!). I hate to give it up but I have no room to set it up anymore.
Hmmm, only half control of the Universe would be only half realizing my ambitions. It would be going at it half-assed - and I wanted to use my WHOLE ass this time!!
Guess I’ll have to buy more shares since I must control not just Earth and Neptune and Jupiter, I want Uranus as well. (!).