This is a sad day
This is a sad day
That’s where all the best illegal movies come from!
Ya AI was never going to be it. But I wouldn’t understate its impact even in its current stage. I think it’ll be a tool that will be incredibly useful for just about every industry
Wow ya that’s a lot of stuff to have to keep track of. Those security engineers are something else. I thought software security was already complex but iPhones or any phones sounds like its even more so
Great explanation. That was super insightful.
So even with BFU, does the iPhone not connect to the internet? I guess i hadn’t noticed it doesn’t.
Also are you still about to track via gps an iPhone that is in the off state? Just curious if there’s a lot of other vectors where the iPhone is still connected?
Why does rebooting it improve the safety or security of the phone?
I just hope they don’t go overboard one way or another. All touchscreen was too much but all buttons would be excessive too
Oh I’m sure they would pull contracts. The government has contracts in probably every major cloud provider in the States and wouldn’t mind moving to any other.
Plus where do you draw the line if you’re a cloud provider? Can you support any military IT? Or just ones related to Israel? If you don’t provide cloud support to the US and to Israel, are you supporting Palestine? You basically just can’t win
I don’t really think Microsoft is at a fault though. If the US supports it, they are not taking a side as much as they are supporting the military
If it didn’t get approved, I can understand why the company would take that stance.
But I do think they should have just approved the event
Have they done layoffs yet?