So true bestie
So true bestie
From your replies I’m betting on anti lgbt or pro pedo opinions
Edit: or islamophobia
Bro is telling on himself
Do you think he pays Chinese teenagers to run his companies
Kinda cool, the original game is fun but god does it look awful.
It doesn’t give you new information.
If I write the sentence “Hello, I just got home” and use an algorithm to jumble it into “got Hello, just I home” there’s nothing new there.
There’s no transformation, it’s not capable of transformation, it’s just a very complicated text jumbler that’s supposed to jumble text so that the output is readable by humans.
You’re taking investment advice from a parrot that had the entirety of reddit investment meme subreddits beamed into its brain.
ML algorithms aren’t capable of producing anything new, they can only ever produce a mishmash of copies of existing works.
If you feed a generative model a bunch of physics research papers, it won’t create a new valid physics research paper, just a mishmash of jargon from existing papers.
If you liked it and wanna try another Visual Novel, you might wanna try YOU and ME and HER.
Much less horror but similar in other ways, and one of my favorites because of the denpa vibes.
Not entirely sure but afaik their EPYC cpus are good.
Warcraft was always pretty goofy, I mean have you played wc3?
I think they were less talking about them ending as much as them tending towards the monopoly state over time.
Gestures wildly at current state of things
Ah yes, the classic.
“Could I have terrible bigoted opinions? No, it’s the children who are just too sensitive nowadays. :^(”
Okay but you have to at least know about the gum blood wall
No idea what you’re talking about tbh, everyone I talked to that owned one has been pretty happy with it.
I really liked my surface tablet tbh
“Heh, that’s a cool argument you made but sadly you also made a MINOR SPELLING MISTAKE.”