Abe from Oddworld
Looks like crony capitalism is back on the menu boys
Mario games playing as the rabbit
Because those never would falsely identify anything? Because youtube does it so well? Because data isn’t encrypted?
On what planet does this make sense?
People who help you break rules will break other rules too. In other news, water is wet.
So you’re saying LLM is a pyramid scheme?!? Pardon me while i clutch my pearls.
Zero punctuation on the orange box. https://youtu.be/_dlEm_2ke8k?si=bsTqae8W64qKny93
She doesn’t even know that I’m a guardian for her
Ah yes, tracking advice from a website that shows you a cookie banner when you arrive.
Install ublock, disable location when not being used, use pihole
No, kahn 4 ftc 4 life
Can i have that $400k job?
This is the way
Ooooh, now do the US. My tax dollars are funding it after all. I demand to publish in regular public reports and periodicals who is on the naughty list. Send to the appropriate agency for enforcement.
Mostly gibberish from the tool i found…
I run a pi hole and it blocks 1000 attempts per minute from a single Samsung TV, then it outright denies requests from the tv. Duck those douches.
TIL a movie exists.
Blowing $60,000,000,000 on stock buy backs then losing half of the stock value? I don’t know how that gets you a gigantic raise, but apparently it works.
So we’re keeping Lina Kahn, right? RIGHT?