Are you saying that a torrent cannot ve seeded on both clearnet and i2p?
Are you saying that a torrent cannot ve seeded on both clearnet and i2p?
@db0@lemmy.dbzer0.com Could you please pin this post?
How has your experience been so far?
The Linux memes today are 🔥
(But not as much as Windoze machines with CrowdStrike are today)
I’ve actually noticed more GPL-licensed projects give attribution to not only the original author but all contributors.
Whereas I can’t tell you how many times I’ve worked on proprietary software where the company didn’t give attribution for MIT-licensed code. Unlike GPL’d code, the author has no way of knowing that they weren’t attributed since the code is proprietary.
I believe GPL does have an attribution requirement btw:
Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:
a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or
b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal Notices displayed by works containing it;
Thank you for clarifying, I edited my comment. I was referring to coreboot but did not know that it was not yet widely supported in Framework laptops.
and it has flames on it
Sure beats literally no protection which is what most laptops have. I have a switch and sometimes forget it’s off and my webcam/mic definitely don’t work, on any OS.
Open-source hardware to the rescue! So you CAN verify it.
System76 has some machines with hardware camera killswitches too. Big fan of Framework’s open-source hardware and firmware microcontroller firmware though.
I’ve had the same experience too. Last I checked, Kdenlive doesn’t have GPU rendering either. DaVinci resolve slaps though. And you can get a paid copy. Get outta here with that subscription nonsense, Adobe.
To be fair Windows had something like one bug per line of code in the mid 2010s. But there isn’t the transparency of a public bugtracker. And good luck shouting into the void if you ever find one.
Idk, I’ve been using LibreOffice for the better part of a decade personally and I use M$ office all the time at work. I haven’t had any problems.
You’re giving me VBA flashbacks. The worst language I’ve ever programmed in.
KDE connect is pretty great right now. I use it as a remote all the time and even wirelessly transfer files between devicss.
I’ll allow it.
Everybody, do yourself a favour and actually read this article.