Yeah, actually starting and going through with it is half the work
Yeah, actually starting and going through with it is half the work
What a coincidence. Just yesterday I saw a video about how Mario Galaxy works from a technical perspective, and water was one of the topics.
As it turns out, the water effect was done by manipulating the floor texture with a noise pattern to make it squiggly, and then putting a transparent layer above. It looks pretty good and doesn’t need much processing power.
I just thought that was interesting.
Awesome. Just read through the whole page, seems like they made some big changes. Very nice!
30fps would be a joke on the normal switch. All the Metroid Prime games are running at 60, even the MP Remaster. I’d be surprised if 4 would run at 30.
Were at the end of the generation, this game has been in development for years. If there’s a time where the devs really know how to use the hardware to its full potential, it’s now.
It was a remaster
Ever heard of the Trine series? 5 games by now (can only speak about the first 4 though), and they are really fun together. Basically 2d puzzle games with 3 different characters that all have their own abilities, which leads to many different ways to solve puzzles. Highly recommended.
Definitely at least once a week, though usually more than that.
This ones great. Where does it come from?