this is the one I have and it’s amazing.
this is the one I have and it’s amazing.
no details at the moment, but I upload nearly 1Tb / day of media. so 25TB per month UPLOAD, you can imagine my downloads.
yup. we use Xbox controllers with our hacked switch
sheesh. you are a piece of work.
the “status” issue is a completely different argument than what I replied to.
I’m not an apple fan, but this is just a dumb take. they have their place, even if it’s not under your ownership.
lockdown protocol and astroneer is pretty solid
I’m saying you don’t get to dictate what people use. you can share your opinion, but you don’t have to be an ass.
fortunately you don’t get decide what’s best for everyone. you do you, not everyone else. don’t be a dick here.
don’t blame the victim for owning a computer.
everyone submit a help desk ticket to Asus asking wtf is going on
it’s like people who complain they paid for 1gb up/down, but only get 950mbps at of course some of it is lost in translation and data routing and hardware usage. every link between you and the end is going to reduce speed a bit.
your 250hp engine loses some where the wheels touch the asphalt too.
L4D2. simple and AMAZING arcade zombie shooter. will never be uninstalled from my computers and super cheap.
you could group multiple in W1. you could only build buildings adjacent to your road though, I remember making a road right to the enemy and putting the barracks in their camp lol
zorin os baby
I NEED to order another nvme to install Linux and move on. still need to have windows for a few things but will be an afterthought.
wouldn’t it be ddr4? I think since 6th Gen Intel.
wtf the music and colors and photography made that movie. a real hero is a fantastic track.
I’ve not gotten into this yet, just got my 3070. what mods do you recommend?