And Smart Tube Next for Android TV devices.
Lionsgate is just going to get worse, based on the news that they’re looking at AI for creating storyboards, removing that avenue of creativity and funneling it into a system of mediocrity that the entire rest of the production is then based on.
Where can I find this fish? I need a vacation from my life for a while.
Here’s a source:
Dvds still account for around half of physical media sales. Far from obsolete.
Mastadon has definitely improved it’s user onboarding process. When I first tried, and failed, to use it 3 years ago it was awful. Signing up a year ago was a painless process. It may not be fully ready for the mainstream just yet, but it’s definitely getting there.
Then you and me are among the few who could play it!
From what I heard, this is the result of risk aversion. The poor editing is because they cut out a lot of the violence that was shot and didn’t have anything to fill the runtime with, hence the reshoots. I can’t wait for the inevitable What Happened on this film to see how bad it was.
A quick search says it should be fine to use your existing saves:
Moguri mod works great on the Steam deck. It’s a bit of a learning curve to get it installed, but there’s a guide that will take you through the entire process, and it will teach you some about the more niche features of the deck.
Because video creation can be a better source of revenue for creators than a blog post and some people still like to get paid for their expertise?
The problem is the Series S sold a lot, last I read it was about two thirds of their user base. Microsoft also want to push platform independence using X Cloud, which solves their Series S issues, but with the feature parity requirement in the Series X and S, they keep hitting this issue.
This What Happened episode has a few other details.
If you have a way of installing android apps from the web on your TV, Smart Tube Next is very good. Sponsor Block is integrated if you want to use it, but I mostly am just glad it doesn’t serve ads.
Finally a Google product I don’t mind then sending to the graveyard.
I just left one of the UK’s largest VMWare customers, in a team working directly on VSphere and ESXI products. The team was just starting to tool up for a new internal project to manage VMs within the company using some of the newer features in these tools. We had well over 1 million VMs across more than a dozen datacenters. The cost of running this is expected to go up by 30 times or more.
While it’s going to take some time, they’re now looking at migrating to a different solution. So Broadcom are going to get their extra pay for a while, but not forever.
I’m 4 weeks away from my voluntary redundancy. I was planning on leaving the job this year anyway, as I wanted to move, so to get a nice paycheck with it was a definite bonus.
Of the people that chose voluntary redundancy, it was mostly those without ties to the area, those that could move, young enough to re-skill, or old enough to retire. The ones that were forced into redundancy have families, mortgages, history in the area, enough baggage to cause inertia. Part of my reasoning to take the voluntary redundancy was to help save at least one person from that.
So absolutely, consent matters. It just sucks that this is happening at all.
The company’s stated reasons for redundancy was to move skills to other locations in the country. This is after a year’s long effort to co-locate in order to facilitate collaboration. What it really seems to be is that our location has very high staff retention, and therefore high salaries, and the company thinks it can hire younger and cheaper elsewhere. The skill and knowledge lost with this move is staggering, everyone can see that, but profit is the most important factor the company cares about, so it’ll inflict its own wounds to get profit up. Capitalism is weird.
I’d buy that for a monthly subscription!
The same thing you can make sangria in?
We watched Slay, a 2024 camp horror comedy where a group of drag queens who booked the wrong venue have to defend the bar and its biker patrons from a horde of vampires.
It’s silly, but with some very charming characters, lots of references to other cult vampire flicks, and kept us laughing throughout. A cult classic in the making.