The fact that he’ll spend all his time playing golf or whatever will leave ample room for all his appointees to actually govern. It’s not Trump we should be worried about.
The fact that he’ll spend all his time playing golf or whatever will leave ample room for all his appointees to actually govern. It’s not Trump we should be worried about.
Except if it’s free software.
Time spend undoing/redoing stuff and delays caused by clients should always be billed, and contracts should address that.
Deadnaming her would be calling her “Chris Cocker” and ignoring her new name. They are just saying what her identity was before she became Cara Cunningham. Makes it easier to understand the story.
The fact that they didn’t even try to hide their ssid (or at least, the report doesn’t say they did) shows how stupid people can be with cybersecurity.
There’s a special place in hell for you
Yeah every store values client loyalty, but pretending companies (e.g. Walmart for crissakes) want to be loyal to their customers should disqualify you from being called an “industry analyst”.
I think the most interesting thing in this article is the fact that some concepts central to semantics (analogy, connotation) or psychology (bias) kind of emerge naturally in multi layered neural networks of sufficient size. Also that it can sound like different personalities (overconfident, secretive, delusional) if you manipulate the weight or the proximity of features. I’d like to see the same kind of study but for midjourney…
Accelerationism is like being on a plane and wishing it crashes when one of the engine fails.
What’s interesting about this device is that it (supposedly) learns how apps work and how people use them, so if you ask it something that requires using an app it could do it.
So while it might be “just an android app”, if it does what’s advertised that would be impressive.
It’s doing a not so bad job in a few countries (spoiler: the US is not among them), e.g. Finland, Denmark, Germany, Canada. I’m not saying it’s a perfect system, not even a good system, just that it’s a good place to start.
Wealth redistribution requires that there’s wealth to begin with, and capitalism is clearly the system with the best incentives to create wealth. You just need strong policies to prevent sociopaths a la Musk, Thiel or Bezos to try to hoard “all the money”, to easily break up monopolies, etc.
While I agree with your first paragraph, I’m not sure that communism would be a solution, given how history has shown us that it can be quite easily corrupted and used by the elite to exploit the masses.
A capitalist system where political power have the means to control financial power, and where there are limits to the influence of money in politics, might be better IMHO.
Tabarnaski, pleased to meet you.
Sometimes I feel like the internet is reliving in a 30 year span what retail went through over a whole century. General stores and small specialized shops serving a limited number of clients, same as when you could put on a website to sell to the world the birdhouses you made as a hobby. Then came shopping malls and Walmarts and everybody went oh my god this is so cool, everything in one place. The same enthusiasm we felt over Facebook, Google, amazon. And now, seeing how the big players all sell cheap stuff, control the market and kill all competition, we look back at a time when there were more options, more freedom, and choose to use Lemmy instead of Reddit, and buy our coffee at the local roaster rather than Starbucks.
Hey that’s great! Will it cover all types of sound synthesis (FM, substractive etc) or focus on a specific one?
You remember some dialogue from your favorite movie. Does this mean your neurons store copyrighted work?
Vote. In every election. In the primaries. The city you live in. The school council. And convince everyone you know to vote, too. Protest. Strike. Make people you know angry about what’s happening so they are motivated to stir shit up. You still can change things, but you are right: you can’t do it alone. So find as many people you can who can do it with you. Time is running out.